Chapter 15

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Aludra walked back to the common room in a sort of daze. Was this now the consequence for breaking school rules? House pointed awarded and the headmaster jumping to her defence? This was a very close call, for Aludra could have lost them their place in the House Cup if McGonagall had taken away those points. She decided to stay out of trouble for a while and actually set a good example for her peers, otherwise she'd become nothing more than a hypocrite.

Neville was let out of the hospital wing quickly, the antlers completely gone and the boy back to normal. He walked into the common room shyly, avoiding Aludra's eyes when she approached him.

"I'm happy Madam Pomfrey fixed you again," she smiled. Neville did not give a verbal response, but simply nodded violently, face redder than ever. "Neville, I don't regret what I did, especially because it was for you."

"But why me?" he asked desperately, looking up at her.

"You're my best friend, are you not? And I know you'd do the same for me." she said. Neville suddenly looked as if he were about to cry.

"No, I wouldn't, because I'm a coward. I don't need your brother to tell me that again, because I already know it. I don't deserve to be in Gryffindor and I don't deserve to be your friend," he said miserably, his bottom lip quivering.

"Neville Longbottom, don't you dare say such things about yourself! You're no coward, not even close to one. You pushed me out of the way so that I wouldn't get hit by Pansy's spell - do you think any old person would have done that? Being a Gryffindor doesn't mean that you duel with people or jump off of bridges. To be a Gryffindor is to be loyal, and have nerve. Well let me tell you, it took a troll's load of nerve for you to jump in front of me like that. I'm more than proud to have you for a friend. Have I ever lied to you?" Aludra said forcefully. Neville shook his head.


"Then why would I start now? You're worth twelve of Draco, and I don't even feel bad for saying that. He can be mean and selfish, but you're kind and compassionate. So what if you're not a prodigy at Potions, or the best in Transfiguration? At the end of the day, none of that matters. You're a great person, Nev, so stop doubting yourself and try loving yourself for a change."

A watery smile graced the chubby boy's mouth, and his tear-filled eyes lit up with happiness. "Thanks, Aludra."

"Don't worry about it, Neville. Now, would you care to join me for a game of Wizard's Chess? Ron's been defeating me for the past week, and I'd like to have a fair game for a change."

Aludra's detention with Dumbledore barely lasted an hour. She dutifully reported to his office, where he kindly invited her to sit before him and proceeded to offer her an abundance of sweets (all of which she happily ate). Then, he asked about her studies and friends, and Aludra answered him honestly; she found all of her lessons fairly easy, Charms being the easiest. She was happy with the friends she had, and expressed her fondness of Neville and Fay in particular. As the two made pleasant conversation over sugar quills and pepper imps, the time went by faster than ever and Aludra was sent back to the common room with a warm smile and happy farewell.

In the days that passed, Aludra heavily suspected that Ron, Harry and Hermione no longer included her on any information about Fluffy, the Philosopher or the trap door in fear that she would get angry about their speculations of Snape again. Of course, Aludra knew she would yell down their ears if they said another word about he godfather trying to kill Harry, and was more than happy to remain oblivious to whatever they were up to.

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