Chapter 10

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Thank you so much for 500+ reads!!

This was actually a difficult chapter to write. However, the rest should come quite smoothly, as I know where the plot is going now :) enjoy!


Christmas was drawing near, and with Christmas came Aludra's twelfth birthday. Almost one more year until she was officially a teenager and, as her mother says, allowed to do things like straighten her hair and wear make up. Since the little argument at Hagrid's, there wasn't much talk about Snape, Fluffy, the Philosopher or Nicolas Flamel. Either that, or Harry, Ron and Hermione were discussing it behind Aludra's back.

Narcissa wrote to Draco and Aludra, informing them that they would in fact be coming home to Malfoy Manor for the holidays. Hermione and Neville would also be going home for Christmas, and they promised to send Aludra both Christmas and Birthday presents.

Aludra was being especially nice to Professor Snape, just to make a point that he actually could be somewhat bearable.

"Goodmorning, Proofessor Snape!" she chimed, walking into the dungeons with a bright smile. Snape looked up from his desk and glowered at her.

"Good day, Miss Malfoy. I trust your family is doing well?" he drawled.

"Very much so, sir. You know, you are invited around for Christmas dinner, as always, sir." Aludra offered, hoping he would agree. Harry, Ron and Hermione were watching the exchange with wide eyes.

"As much as I...appreciate your offer, Miss Malfoy, I must decline. I prefer to spend my free time alone," Snape said, looking down at his papers once more.

"But Professor, your company is much enjoyed at Malfoy Manor. Besides, Draco and I rarely see you outside of school," Aludra pressed, hoping to persuade the man. Her efforts, however, were futile.

"Miss Malfoy, please take your seat," he said calmly, but with a bitter edge to his words. Aludra hung her head and trekked over to her shared desk with Neville, who was staring at her with awe.

"How are you not afraid of him?" Neville whispered.

"I told you, Nev, he's a family friend," Aludra said.

"He reminds me of a great, big bat released from a cave." Neville muttered into his cauldron, making Aludra giggle. At the sound of her laugh, Neville smiled and chuckled with her. As Snape called for silence and told the class what they were to do, Aludra immediately set about making sure her friend was situated first. Neville was dreadful at Potions, no doubt about that, but Aludra was actually quite good at the subject. She always tried her best to help Neville.

"Do I add the lacewing flies or eye of newt?" Neville asked, tipping both vials dangerously close to the the cauldron. Aludra gasped and grabbed his hands, stopping them from tipping any further and causing the classroom to go up in flames.

"Don't do that," Aludra said, taking the glass from him and setting them down on the work station. She instead handed him powdered spine of lion fish and a measuring beaker. "Measure out ten milliliters of this and then gradually add it into your concoction while stirring."

"Thanks," Neville said, doing as Aludra instructed.

"I do feel so sorry," said Draco to Pansy, although very loudly. "For all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home."

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