Chapter 10

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Lycaon in the picture above

Today is the day! October 21. The day I either free myself or die trying. Whoa, that's some deep shit.

I woke up with so many thoughts flying through my head. Like should I write a suicide letter? I mean, this is suicide. Group suicide? Suicide squad! I like the sound of that. I'm that fire nigga, naturally. We are the suicide squad!

I got out of bed and joined the others for breakfast. Cody had ordered for pizza and ice cream cause this could very well be the last meal of our lives and we had to eat the things we loved the most. Ben even got some lobster and shrimp.

During the day, we all sat in the living room and went through the plan multiple times until we had it in perfection. After that, we had an argument over whether or not Raven should come for the fight. Cody, Matt and Ben were saying she shouldn't. Obviously she and I were saying she should. I mean, Raven was badass and she was only two months pregnant. Plus, we needed all the fighters we could find and there was no way I was gonna bench one because I was afraid for their safety. If that was the case, none of them would have come with me.

By the end of the argument, Raven was gonna come along with us. Girls eventually always win, am I right or am I right? My mom says that all the time.

Around 4, I called my mom to say goodbye.

"Hello?" I heard her voice say.

"Hi mum, it's Aidan." I said.

"Aidan, hi! For a second I thought you had forgotten about my birthday." She said.

Her birthday! Oh yeah, shit! Her birthday was yesterday. Fuck me!

"Better late than never, right?" I said with a chuckle.

"You had forgotten hadn't you?" She asked in a sad tone.

"You can't really blame me though. I havent heard a word from you in months." I said defensively.

"I know and I'm sorry. But Angel is the coven leader and she has decreed no contact to be made with you ever again." My mom said,

"I have to listen to her."

"Angel is coven leader?" I asked confused. Last time I checked, it was Chloe. Did Chloe die or something?

"Yeah. Chloe was recruited by the international council of witches. She's on a fast track to being their leader." She said proudly. That was great I guess. Everything was good on their side and I was glad to hear that.

"Mom, I have to tell you something important." I said.

"Make it quick then, anyone could catch me talking to you." She said.

"You know the high council of wolves?" I asked.

"Yeah. They came after your dad before we met. He told me a little about them. He managed to escape their clutches by telling Lycaon that he didn't have to kill his betas every year to stay alive, but his offsprings in the span of 50 years. Lycaon was grateful for that and let him go." She said.

So I guess I wasn't gonna be the first one to make it out of Lycaon clutches. Just a different method. My father used his wits and I'm using my strength. Seems legit enough.

"Well, they are coming for me and I'm gonna take the fight to them. I'm calling you because this might be the day I die and I want to say goodbye. I love you." I said.

"Don't say that Aidan. I know I can't change your mind on the attack, but you're not gonna die. You're Aidan Creed, the most powerful being in the universe. Lycaon can't take you down." She said.

The Creed Chronicles #2: The High CouncilWhere stories live. Discover now