Chapter 11

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It was over! Lycaon was dead, we were back at Ben's house, celebrating our big victory. I was actually alive and I was gonna stay that way. I looked around and saw the others and smiled until I remembered my pack and how we used to celebrate together. I'm not gonna lie, I missed them. But they had chosen not to have anything to do with and there was nothing I could do about that. I still needed to confront Cody about being on board with their plan. That's the part that didn't make sense. If he was on board, why did he come along and fight with me? It's not like they paid him off, cause he doesn't really need money. Why did he agree to do it? I needed to confront him now.

"Cody, a word?" I said, interrupting his conversation with Raven, which looked pretty serious. 

"Can it wait? I'm kinda busy." He said, pointing at Raven.

"No, go ahead. I don't want to hear what you have to say anyway." Raven said. What was that about? Relationship problems probably. Cody got up and joined me outside.

"I'm confused man." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You came today to help fight Lycaon, yet you made a deal with Hannah to help her escape with the others. Why?" I asked.

"Aidan, I don't know what you're talking about." He said.

"Don't play with me Cody. I heard the conversation just before your uncle showed up. Hannah told the others she was gonna leave because she didn't want to die and that she made a deal with you saying you would help them escape. Why would you agree to help? Is that the only reason you came to fight with me? Guilt that you had agreed to help with a plan that would result in my death?" I asked, my voice getting louder and louder with each sentence. Yeah, now go back and read that the way I was saying it.

"Did you say before my uncle showed up?" He asked.

"Stop avoiding the question!" I said, grabbing by the collar and slammed him against the wall,


"My uncle did this." He said, struggling against me. He obviously had no chance of getting out of my grip.

"Aidan, it's part of my uncle's power." He said. Ben walked out and saw what was happening. He pulled me off Cody and pushed me away.

"Ben, stop!" Cody said,

"I need to explain what is going on with him." 

We went back inside the house and by this time I was filled with anger. Yeah, I should probably work on my anger, but at that moment, I just wanted to rip his heart out. Fake ass bitch.

"Aidan, you met my Uncle Asher right?" Cody said.

"What, do you have more than one?" I asked, staring into the same cold blue eyes his uncle has.

"Just answer his questions." Raven said. I nodded as my answer to his question.

"This explains a lot then." Cody said,

"Part of my uncle's teleporting power is that he can teleport into peoples minds and change their memories, or make new ones. Your pack wasn't gonna leave you, my uncle just planted that memories inside of you. He probably fucked with some other ones too."

I sat down and stared at the ground in realization of what this meant. I had freaked out and left them and they were all confused. They were always on my side and I pushed them away. On top of that, they respected my decision when I pushed them away. I felt like a class A dick. I needed to go and apologize to them ASAP.

"Can you think of any other memories he could have fucked with?" Cody asked.

"I talked to Stephanie the other day and she said she didn't say half of the things you told me she said." Matt said,

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