4. Eyes of Hate

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¤ Third Person ¤

Ji-Na stood beside her sister, the pin Soo-Won gave her sat in her hair. It matched her blue dress and her smile. However, underneath her facade, she had a bad feeling. She ignored it and simply walked to her father, bowing, "Good morning, Chichiue."

"Good morning, Ji-Na." his voice was light but she could tell, there was something weighing on his mind.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked, straightening up.

He let out a sigh, turning to face her with worried eyes, "It's just that Yona seems to want Soo-Won's hand."

Ji-Na's heart constricted but she smiled. "Yes, it's quite obvious. She's always with him." She knew for she was the one that watched them. From afar, her heart would crack and she would have to smile. Smile like her world was crumbling, smile like she felt no pain. "Is there a problem with Soo-Won?" the question lingered in the air when she turned to look back into her father's eyes.

Il noticed it. He'd never tell her but he had seen himself in her eyes. He'd seen his own, heartbroken self in her cold hazel eyes. "He is a man I won't allow to be king." He noticed her eyes flicker with hope before the went void of emotions once more.

"Is that so? Then what of Yona-nee?" Her voice was light, as if she had no care at all. Her body was stiff, like always. "She loves him, more than anyone else."

He turned away from her, trying to find the heiress. "Where is Yona?" he asked, ignoring her question.

Guilt entered Ji-Na and she smiled, "I shall look for her." she bowed to her father before excusing herself. Her face was blank, her eyes wary. She hadn't noticed her hands had balled up into fists. "Ji-Na-himesan." Hak grabbed her arm, startling her. Though she never let it show on her face. She turned, smiling cheerfully at him.

"Hak, is there something you need from me?" her eyes were dead, like before. Any traces of the twinkle he'd seen in the garden was no where to be found.


She smiled. It was lacking any types of love and care. For some reason, it seemed to deprive him of the relief he felt. The memory of her smile five days ago left him without worries. She had done something honestly yet she was back to flashing her phony joy. It pained him, yet he was able to hide it well. Before he could speak, any form of doubt left her features. She straightened and yet... no one else would ever notice it, he knew. No one would notice how disgusted she looked. Underneath her daily smile, underneath her constant "bright" eyes, underneath her facade, no one would be able to see it.

He didn't bring it up, words wouldn't form. "Then I will be on my way." Ji-Na nodded slightly at him before walking away.

When she was out of his line of sight, she raised a hand to her lips. She could feel the curve of her mouth and she was sure she was still smiling. She closed her eyes, arms dropping back to her side. She gave out a silent prayer before her entire body relaxed. Her skin tingled as she felt something rise in the pit of her stomach. She heard a rustle of the grass and her eyes snapped open. She spun and was met with violet eyes.

Her hazel orbs dilated as she opened her mouth to call out. A moment later, something was slapped over her lips to muffle any screams. She tried to pull away when the man with black hair grabbed her wrists. "Ji-Na-hime, choose to stay by Soo-Won-sama's side."

The minute she heard his words, her body lost all energy. His eyes seemed to dig into her soul. He pulled away from her and for a long moment, she struggled to form words. He turned to walk away when she stumbled after him. Grabbing his clothes, she cried out, "Who are you? What did you mean to choose to—"

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