18. To Those Who Wait

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¤ Third Person ¤

Ji-Na's eyes snapped open, her body bolting upright, her body drenched in cold sweat. Her head was pounding, her gasps uneven. A chill seemed to wash over her skin, shivers rushing down her spine as she stiffened up. Her tears began to slip from her hazel eyes, her legs instinctively curled closer to her chest as her arms wrapped themselves around her torso. Her forehead hit her knees as she exhales slowly, her eyes squeezing shut in a futile attempt to stop her crying. Every single breath she took seemed to tremble, her heart clenching as she struggled to hold herself together.

The sun wasn't up yet and she felt restless. A sharp pain seemed to cross and cut through her heart. It hurt, in ways she never knew pain to be, it ached. Terror overcame her senses as she tightened her grip on herself, her nails digging into her skin as her fingers curled around and clutched onto the fabric of her dress.

She wanted to see him, she wanted to see her father again. To tell him she loved him, to hug him, and to smile and laugh with him. She wanted to see Min-Soo again. She wanted to go home. The palace that was always cold but it was the love of her father and the kindness of her attendant that made it home.

She had wanted to forget about the pain, she had wanted to bury her tears away when she set a memorial in place for him near Ik-Soo. Her nights became restless, memories of the people she loved and lost so vivid in her mind. Her hands were too weak to protect them and now, even her sister was in danger. She was going to lose the other two most important people in her life. That thought made her body tremble and her breathing heavier. The image of her crying sister and her injured friend shook her to the core and her tears couldn't stop anymore. All she could manage was to bite down on her lower lip and silence her sobs.

She remained in her position until the dark sky was illuminated by a beautiful crimson light, the glow shining through the window of the room and onto the floor. She heard the rustle of the door from the room beside her own and she knew she had to get ready to depart. She slowly rose to her feet and dragged herself to the mirror, where she saw her own reflection rather than cracked glass. She habitually ran her fingers through her hair, combing out the few knots, before she smoothed down her dress. Taking one last glance at the mirror, she watched her own lips curl up to a smile, any hints of her tears disappearing into her smile.

She heard a knock on her door, Hak grumbling as he called in, "Ji-Na-himesan, are you taking a poop in there? It's already past dawn, you should have woken up already." He called, a slight teasing tone to his voice as she fixed the spot where she slept and began towards the exit.

"I'm ready." She said with a laugh, Ji-Na pulling open the door to see Yoon with his bag slung over his shoulder and Yona, who rubbed her tired eyes, biting back another yawn. She grabbed her own bag from the floor beside the door and nodded, "Shall we go? Where's Kija-san?"

She was given an answer the moment the door to the largest room at the end of the hall opened, the albino stepping out and smiling at the group. The moment his blue eyes met Hak's, they narrowed as a tense air seemed to overcome them. Ji-Na laughed and began to push Hak away, "We need to get going." She glanced back and held out her hand towards Kija, who seemed to be lagging behind Yona and Yoon though he seemed eager, "Kija-san, let's go?"

The group walked in silence towards the entrance of the village, ready to depart. Ji-Na had noticed the crowd of albinos trailing after them, her eyes shooting to the side as she watched them walked towards the group. Her feet slowed, giving the solemn group a few more seconds to speak up. They did, "Hakuryuu-sama..."

Kija's surprised expression didn't go unnoticed to the princess, who watched him turn to face all the villagers who stood to bid him farewell. "Everyone... I told you I didn't need to be seen off." Kija spoke, taking steps towards them. A gentle happiness seemed to gleam in his blue eyes as he spoke.

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