12. After the Fall

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¤ Third Person ¤

Yona laid on the futon and let out a long groan, catching the attention of the girl kneeling by the window with a candle to illuminate the scroll in her hands. The girl turned her head slightly, ready to question the resting redhead but remained silent as she watched her roll onto her side. "Can you tell me a story?" Her violet eyes gazed at the kneeling girl who blinked back in bewilderment, "The story about the girl who climbed the mountain to the sun?"

Recognition crossed her expression and she nodded slightly, "Of course, but in the morning. Soo-Won and Hak are coming tomorrow. Have you forgotten?" The redhead shook her head instantly, rolling back onto her back to gaze at the ceiling so far out of reach.

"No, I have not. I could not, everyone is preparing for the event after all. Are you excited about it? I can't wait to see Soo-Won!" She squealed, pulling her covers over her face to hide her growing blush but the other girl was completely used to this action. "When we grow older, I want to be able to wed him. He'd be a wonderful king, don't you think?"

She rolled up her scroll, "Any king can be a wonderful king, it merely depends on status. You should go to sleep now, I will see you in the morning." Rising to her feet with candle holder in hand, she began towards the door but not without a final statement from the princess.

"I want Soo-Won to be beside me, I want to be with Soo-Won when he becomes king." There was a breathlessness to it that indicated to the girl that the princess was drifting off to a land of dreams.

She nodded her head ever so slightly, pushing the door open to slip out. "When you become queen and he king, I would like to see as well. I hope it comes soon, the day I watch you both be crowned."

The moment she moved out the door, her surroundings went black. A voice wrapped her in warmth, the words a soft lullaby. It was familiar, the tune but not the voice. It reminded her of someone, someone she had forgotten the name of, but she longed to hear.

Long, long ago, the big red sun,
When it had been devoured
And the world was covered in darkness...

Rushing towards the fading voice, her legs crumbling with each step, her breathing labored. As it disappeared, a bright light and a gust of wind was cast onto her face. Her hair was sent flying back as a blast of wind slapped her skin, making her fall back and flinch. Squinting her eyes to see through the dust attacking her form, she was able to make out a single silhouette. Stretching out her hand to grab hold of him, her voice catching in her throat. "Who...?" The question never left her lips as the figure turned.

Tears suddenly sprung in her eyes, as he held out his hand for her to take. She could hear his voice and though her mind had associated it with someone she knew well, she was unable to confidently place name to voice and figure. Her body stiffened as she watched him begin to fade away, drift further away from her. "Wait... please... don't go..." Her beg was futile as he disappeared from sight, her knees going weak beneath her.

Before she could crumble to her knees, the floor beneath her disappeared, her body falling backwards as her breath caught in her throat. Squeezing her eyes shut to brace herself for the fall, she bit back any screams. The moment her eyes opened, her body gave out, sinking into the floor. She instantly reached her left hand up and wiped her tears away, inhaling slowly to steady her breath. She felt her heart constrict but did not allow it to seep out, keeping it locked beneath her perfect persona. She smiled at the ceiling, her lips curling up though pain continued to shoot through her veins.

She slowly pushed herself upward and her eyes trailed along the walls, gaze shifting around the room, "Oh, you're up?" A bored voice made head turn to see a boy with strawberry blonde hair walk in. In his arms was a woven basket, parts of it unraveling or breaking apart.

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