16. Resolution of the Helpless

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¤ Third Person ¤

Ji-Na hummed as they walked along the path towards the village she had pointed out to Yoon earlier. "Nice going, I didn't know this path still was used." Hak praised the boy, who seemed to be unsure of how to respond. The princess had proposed the idea to the others, giving credit to Yoon with the basis he used to use the road as a trade route in the Fire Tribe. Yona was still in the bag, just until they reached the fork in the road that she had pointed out to Yoon. After, they would cut through the forest to the small bordering village to buy the last of their supplies.

Yona squirmed in the bag, catching the group off guard. Ji-Na scanned the area quickly before facing Hak, "Yona-nee probably needs some fresh air." She urged, gently tugging on his sleeve. He looked around them before sighing. Setting down the bag, he opened it to reveal a messy haired princess.

"Hak!" Almost instantly, the common exchange with the teasing of Hak and the annoyance of Yona began. Yoon and Ji-Na exchanged a glance, the former sighing while the female smiled. Rather than try to interrupt their friendly banter, the princess simply continued onward, her hood still sitting on her head.

"Oi, Ji-Na-himesan." She paused at her name, glancing back to see his eyes narrow on her. "Don't wander off too much. We don't know what's out here, I still need to protect you." She didn't give a rebuttal, nodding at him as she decided to take a seat by a tree so the princess and bodyguard could continue whatever they were doing.

Yoon would have taken a seat beside her but Hak quickly used him as a target of his teasing, reminding him of how he cried during their goodbye to Ik-Soo.

"Can you truly grant out wishes? If you can, there is one thing that I wish for right now." The chilled voice pressed against her ears, her eyes widening as she jolted upright. Her chest rose and chest quickly, though the others seemed in deep conversation about whatever it was they were talking about. She placed her hand on her chest, easing it to return to a slow beat, her hazel eyes closing.

For a moment, everything around her melted away and there stood a man. Surrounded by white, he stared at her with empty blue eyes, her eyes widening as she stared at him. "Douryuu-jouou."

Before she could speak, a hand was placed on her shoulder, startling her. Her eyes opened and she was left face to face with her friends. "Tired already, Ji-Na-himesan?" Hak teased, making her pout, turning her head away. "Anyway, we are going to continue now."

She responded with a slight nod, standing up and dusting herself off. Checking her hood, she began forward alongside Yoon. "Ohime-sama." His voice made her head turn, "Why did you say it was me who knew this path?"

She blinked for a moment, thinking his words over before her lips curled up to a smile, "I don't want Hak to worry. Yoon-san, it may not seem this way, but Hak will believe what you say. If you, who trades frequently, tells him, he will not worry."

Yoon stopped for a moment, making her pause as well. "Have you always been like that...?" Her confusion made him sigh, rubbing his temple, "You are very troublesome..."

Something flickered in her hazel eyes, but her voice remained the same as always, "Thank you, Yoon-san, for going along with my request earlier." The two began walking again, the boy still in deep thought. The girl's eyes shot to the side when she heard the sound of wheels.

She took off, walking forward towards her sister. Her hood was held securely over her head as she maneuvered past Hak, her strides quickening though they never exceeded a brisk walk. Yona had pulled her hood on but there were still slight view of her red hair. Ji-Na fell into step with her sister, glancing over at the man driving the cart with a smile and a slight bow. The man tipped his hat at her, passing without stopping to question them. 'He had fresh wheat and rice, it looked fresher than the ones from the trader earlier. We should be close to the capital's plantation.' She thought, her eyes flickering towards Yona's direction. Her gaze flew past her to the long rows of green plants that made her eyes light up.

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