25. When a Heart Cries

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¤ Third Person ¤

Ji-Na gasped for breath, Jae-Ha's arm around her waist as both of them surfaced out of the water. Her entire body was drenched, but the cold water brought her senses back at once. All at once, pain shot up from every part of her body. Her body was trembling as each little motion sent a spiral of fire through her skin. She let out a squeak as he moved to help her up, a gasp of pain escaping her lips as her arm shot out and she grabbed onto boat.

Each little breath sent made her ache, her head pounding as she slumped again, her grip faltering. She slipped back, she probably would've been submerged again if Jae-Ha wasn't holding her and keeping them both afloat. Her breathing was heavy, each shuddering inhale slow and deep. He eased her up slowly, trying not to harm her.

She was seated in the empty boat, since Yang Kumji died and the one rowing the boat jumped out when Jae-Ha dove under to retrieve the princess. He climbed in after her, the female slumped and clearly exhausted.

"Ojou-dear," Her eyes shifted for a moment, blinking in and out. Her hazel eyes remained hazy, fading in and out of focus as she struggled to hold herself upright with her shaking arms. Her hair and dress, soaked through, clung closely to her skin and she shot a wavering smile.

She parted her lips, a soft voice leaving them between her gasps and heavy breathing. "Jae-Ha-san, your shoulder... Are you okay...?" Her voice was hoarse and each word made her body ache, as if it was being completely torn apart. "Is—"

He caught her as she tipped forward, her face pale as she heaved. "Ojou-dear!" She felt her body leaning against his, his arm slipping beneath her knees. "I'll take you to Yoon-kun."

She reached up and curled her fingers around his clothes, though there was no strength in her grip. A strained gasp pushed through, "Are Yona-nee and Yoon-san alright?" Her fingers faltered as her eyes struggled to remain open, eyelids weighing her down. "Hyuna-san, Ki-Ae-san, and Jee-san as well. The children, they—" He pulled her in gently, his hand brushing her soaked hair out of her face so he could press his sleeve against a bleeding wound he didn't see before.

"It worked, your plan worked. We were able to save the children, Hyuna-chan and the others are safe, Yona-dear and Yoon-kun were hurt but everything is alright." He reassured her, the princess relaxing slightly in relief. She felt her tears rise in her eyes but he wiped them away before they fell. "I came to get you, Ji-Na-dear. I'll bring you back. I hope you're ready for tonight." Her lips curled up but when she let out a small laugh, her entire body began to rack with pain.

He held her steady as another flurry of gasps and violent breaths escaped her lips. She coughed violently but each cough was followed by a strained inhale, each  Jae-Ha carefully slipped one arm beneath her knees to pick her up and when she was finally able to breathe, he jumped through the air. Before she knew it, they landed on the deck of another ship. The princess would have left his arms if she had enough strength, but that was something she lacked. Her eyes shut and she felt him press her closer.

She could hear the footsteps, she could hear Jae-Ha calling out, and she could feel his chest move every time he spoke. But, she was tired. For a little bit, she wanted to rest and for whatever reason, Jae-Ha's warmth was one she felt safe in.


Jae-Ha brought her back to the ship, as Yoon instructed. Hak followed him to make sure he wouldn't try anything inappropriate, not that he would even if he was given that opportunity. Hyuna, who was transferred to the pirate ship, took her away to change and dress her.

When she was finished, Jae-Ha had already brought Yoon and Yona back onto the ship. The other pirates were told not to crowd around Jae-Ha's room, which was where the princess was resting and having her wounds tended to. The only ones allowed in were Yoon, Yona, Jae-Ha, and Hyuna. Jae-Ha went out to gather supplies and whatever was needed to take care of the bruises that lined her skin. Hyuna was there with a medical background: she had worked with herbs and medicine before making sweets.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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