23. To Treasure and be Treasured

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¤ Third Person ¤

Ji-Na had already decided she would do anything to save the women and children that were captured, she had told herself she would. That was why, she didn't even falter when a flurry of rejections and shouts from her friends rose up. She didn't turn away and she didn't deny them either. She listened and she explained, calmly, seriously. Every time they pointed out a possible problem, she would clearly explain why it would work instead. It continued for so long, the pirates were just as tense as her friends. The only one who seemed to be relaxed about the entire situation was Ji-Na herself, who smiled and continued to reassure them as if there wasn't any reason to be worried.

"If there is something I can do to help this town, I will do it." She straightened and smiled at them, the tension never dying away. "I know what I am doing, I would not have brought it up if I didn't believe this had the highest success rate." She didn't have to worry if Kija, Jae-Ha, and Shin-Ah were the ones to rescue the children. Everything would turn out fine, she knew it would.

"Why not bring Raijuu with you?" Yoon finally asked, the only question the others hadn't brought up. "It's as if you don't trust him anymore, you keep leaving him behind."

The princess shook her head and continued to smile, "Hak's training seems to be beneficial here. Everyone seems a little more confident and that's important. If he is to come with me, I don't know how long it'll take. I don't want him to come and take time away from training."

"And how will you notify us where you are?!"

"I was hoping you could make a firework for me, a small one. I believe in Shin-Ah-san, he'll see it no matter how far away I am. And if they pat me down for weapons, I'll hide it under my dress around my chest."

"Why?! Why are you always doing such dangerous things without talking it through with everyone?!"

There was no answer for a moment before Ji-Na explained, her eyes softening. "If I asked, you wouldn't have agreed with me. This is a job only I can do, and I'm sure you all know it too. This is something I have to do because there is no one else. Please, trust me."

There was no response to her request, though Ji-Na knew they didn't want to accept it at all. She had no other way of convincing them, they weren't listening to her reasoning at all. "Jae-Ha, train her." The moment the order left the captain's mouth, all the pirates faced the woman. She nodded at Ji-Na, "Train her so she can protect herself and then give her some of your knives."


"She seems like a quick learner and she has a strong arm. I want you to make sure she doesn't go defenseless." Gi-Gan stared at Ji-Na for a long moment, the girl smiling back with a carefree looking expression.

Yona spoke up, "Wait, what will we do about the other group of females. The nobles and children will be safe, but what about the others? We can't leave them alone, can we? We can't." She answered her own question, the orange haired female nodding slowly. "You can't be two places at once. Do you want me to go to the shop?"

The moment the proposition left her lips, another uproar was heard. Ji-Na stared at her sister, ignoring the shouts from both pirates and companions. "Yona-nee, you can't go. I don't know what will happen to you if you go alone."

The redhead returned the stare, "If you have to stay with one group, I can be with the other. That is the best way we can protect everyone, right?" Of course, Ji-Na hadn't considered that an option even once. That would be too dangerous, too risky for her sister. It was something Ji-Na refused to even think about, a plan where her sister had to be caught as well. Yona seemed to know that the princess was hesitating for a different reason than she was saying. "I want to protect this town as well. I can fight this battle, too."

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