19. Companions and Friends

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¤ Third Person ¤

Ji-Na ran a finger over her temple, eyebrows furrowing as she replayed the cries that ran through her head. The man who had began swarming her thoughts was telling her to find a child, one he cared about dearly, and to not leave him alone. A familiar pain shot through her chest as she let out a soft sigh.

"Are you alright, Ohime-sama?" Yoon's worried tone made her head tilt upwards, her eyes softening as her lips curled upwards and she shook her head ever so slightly. She had briefed what had happened, about the secret door, the squirrel, and how she got lost. She didn't include any details regarding how the villager tried to take her deeper underground. "You shouldn't wander off like that!"

She nodded ever so slightly, thought her thoughts were still elsewhere. She didn't know why but the voice in her head made her heart shatter. She didn't know him, but it was similar to the vision from the village of Hakuryuu. It hurt, hearing him cry out.

Yona piped up, making her sister blink, "Ji-Na, does that mean the man who led you here was Seiryuu? Do you know what he's like?" The interest in her purple eyes was genuine but the other female had no words. She knew nothing about that man.

Nothing, "He was incredibly gentle." She leaned back, resting her head against the wall as she sighed once more. Lifting up her hand slightly, she could remember how he interlocked their fingers and pulled, a direct contrast to the other man. "When I was walking with him, I felt calm and he... he is one of few words." She finished lamely.

Her eyes shot to Hak, who's eyes narrowed on her hand, which she had slipped her sleeve over to hide any red marks or small scratches from the walls. Smiling at him, she returned her attention to the contemplating Yoon. "I want to talk to him again, Yoon-san. Is that okay?"

The boy smiled back at her, though he did seem a little exasperated. "Of course, you're like that." She laughed and jumped to her feet.

"Ji-Na-himesan." Her name made her head turn quickly, "What happened to your arm?" She was about to deny him when he grabbed her in the same spot the other man had, pulling her arm towards him and pushing the sleeve up. She didn't wince.

"Ji-Na-himesama! Who did that to you?!" Kija's worried tone and Yoon's fretting to grab items to tend to her arm were responded by Ji-Na's smile and a wave of her free hand.

She didn't respond, Hak releasing her so Yoon could add ointment to her arm. Yona's panic was what made Ji-Na answer, though she still refrained from telling all the details. "When I got lost, I met a man who wanted me to go with him. Seiryuu-san saved me before anything happened."

Before Kija could make a sound, she continued. "I'm alright. Hak, I'm still going to go talk to Seiryuu-san. This changes nothing. You can't go find him to bring him back here. Instead I want you to stay here."

Almost instantly, he sprang to his feet, looming over her frame. Her gaze shifted upward, he wasn't as tall as she remembered. "You are expecting me to stay back? Letting you go is already something I don't want you to do." His warning tone made her raise an eyebrow slightly, though she didn't respond.

"I wasn't hurt." She pointed out, raising her arm to show how the marks from being grabbed had already begun fading away. Her smiled softened as she pulled her sleeve back over them, shaking her head. "I want you to keep an eye on the villagers here. I know they're still watching us and if they come, I won't be able to talk easily. But if you wish to go with us, I won't stop you."

He shot her a glare but her lips remained pushed upright, her gaze shifting back down as she watched him sigh and sit back down. She watched him cross his arms and groan. "You are a handful, Ji-Na-himesan." The words made her chuckle, reaching out and ruffling his hair like he would her. His hand shot up and caught hers, pulling her closer as she felt his fingers tighten around her, "If anything happens to you or Yona-himesan, I will stay annoyingly close to both of you."

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