Patrick Kane-My boy.

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Prompt: Work together to teach the kids. He gets
slightly possessive and jealous.

I was skating around the ice making sure that all the kids on my side of the ice were okay when I felt an arm snake around my waist.

"Babe, how are the kids doing?" Patrick Kane my boyfriend of a year and a half asks.
"They are doing good here. How are your's doing? Better yet who is watching them?" I ask turning around in his arms my face to his chest.
"Tazer and Crow are watching them. I figured you and I could spend a bit of time together." He says tilting my chin up so he can look into my eyes.
"Babe, we promised we would work with the kids today. We can go on a date tomorrow. Now, please go back over with Captain serious so I can concentrate." I reply giving him a light kiss.
After a couple minutes of watching the kids they all took a break and went to the benches to eat lunch and to hydrate. That was when John came over to me.
"So, what's up with you and Kaner? He's been eyeing you for like twenty minutes."
"Well, he's allowed to. I'm his girlfriend after all."
"Wait, he didn't make it up? I owe Crow ten bucks." He says putting his head back looking toward the ceiling.
"No he did not make it up. Now go back to your side. He has a tendency to be jealous." I say turning to look at where he is sitting talking to the kids.
"I don't care, I was friends with you first. I was the one who introduced you both as friends. So, I can talk to both of you when I want." He says slinging an arm around me.
Not even a minute later I hear skates coming up behind me.
"Back off Towes, she's my girl." Kane growls.
"Well, she is my friend." Jonny says pulling you into his side.
"Well, she's my girlfriend. And I don't want other guys getting that comfortable touching her."
"Will both of you shut up for the love of all that is holy. I'm not a prize. Though I did chose Kane. But, Jonny is my friend he is also yours which is why he is trying to get you angry. It's just for fun. And Jonny, will you quite aggravating my boy?" I say looking between both while removing Jonnys arm.
"Okay" Jonny says.
While Patrick just skates away. I groan and skate after him. He is already to the tunnel.
When I finally get to the dressing room he is sitting with his head in his hands.
"Patty, why did you get possessive and jealous?"
"Because he's better then me. You deserve someone like him. I mean he was the youngest captain. He's in team Canada. He was drafted before me. He's better and you've also known him longer. I don't want to lose you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." He says slowly looking over to me.
"You never have to worry about losing me. I'm yours. I'm your girl. Your my boy. And nothing will ever change that." I say kissing him and hugging him.
"I'm lucky to have you. I love you." He says leaning his head on mine.
"I love you too. And I'm lucky to have you." I say kissing him again.

Hey! Sorry it's so short and late I was busy with some school stuff. Hope you like it though.

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