Derek Grant- Bad Day

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When I got home I went immediately to my best friend of a few years room and took one of his hoodies curling up on his bed waiting for him to get home.

I had had one of the worst days of my life. First I woke up late so I was late to class, then i spilt hot coffee all over myself, then I forgot my car keys in my car, then my ex tried to get me to go out with him again and-ugh today just sucked.

When I was done thinking about to day I realized I had tears falling down my face.

I curled up under his covers and started to fall asleep.

I was awoken by the sound of the front door opening and almost slamming shut.

When he finally got to his room I pretended to be asleep.

"I know your not asleep. What are you doing?" He asks obviously not in a good mood today. So I decide to sit up my hair all over my face.

"Hey, isn't that my hoodie?! What are you doing?!" He exclaims

"I'm sorry, I was-never mind I'll leave you alone." I say starting to get out of bed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks his features softening as he moves the hair out of my face. Only to see the tears I was holding back.

"You can cry if you need to, I'm right here. You're safe with me." He says hugging me close and placing his lips on my head.

"I'm sorry everything is just going wrong at once." I say now sobbing into his chest.

"hey, hey. It okay just tell me what's wrong." He says moving my head out of his chest to cradle it looking deep into my eyes. He then wiped my tears with his thumbs. I just stare at him trying to find the words.

"come on." He says leading me to his bed.

"if you don't want to talk we don't have to." He says sitting on the edge of the bed, me next to him.

He looks at me for a few minutes then whispers a quite 'screw it' and grabs me by the cheeks slowly leaning in giving me time so that if I wanted to I could stop him. But I didn't. All I could think about was how soft his lips were and how right this felt.

when we finally broke apart he was smiling like an idiot and I was too.
"Best kiss I've had in a while." I whisper putting our foreheads together looking deep into his eyes.

"I don't think you know how long I have wanted to do that." He whispers.

"Probably as long as I have."

"how's your day now baby girl?" He asks pecking me on the lips.

"A lot better." I reply smiling and it was true this was probably one of the best days of my life.

He gets off the bed and walks to the closet grabbing something off the hanger. When he walks back I see it is one of his jerseys.

"My jersey for my girl." He says placing the jersey over my head. I then finish putting it on. I had a huge smile plastered on my face.

"I like the sound of that. I'll see you tomorrow hot stuff." I say pulling him in for another kiss. Then walking out and into my room making sure to sway my hips.

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