Zach Werenski-Brad!

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Request: Hey could you do a zach werenski imagine where you meet his brother brad? Thx:)
"Babe, are you shaking?" Zach asks as he quickly looks to me then back to the road.

"Yes." I reply honestly.

I couldn't sit still. I was meeting my boyfriends brother for the first time. How could I not be shaking like a leaf?

"Why?" Zach asks while putting his hand on my knee.

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"That would be the least of my worries." Zach mumbles clearly not meant for me to hear. Though I feel his grip tighten slightly on my knee.

"I'm sure he will like you. I mean my parents love you already." Zach clearly says, his grip on my knee going back to normal.

A relaxed silence settles in the car the only noises the radio and engine.

"What if I make an idiot of myself?" I ask as Zach and I pull into the driveway of his brother's house.

"Wouldn't be anything new." Zach clearly jokes.

"Hahaha, might want to stick to hockey, comedy is not for you." I reply as we get out of the car.

"Come on." Zach says was he walks to the door my hand in his. He basically has to drag me to the door.

Though when we get there he just opens the door and announces his presence.

"My girlfriend is with me too!" He quickly calls. Most likely to make sure I don't see anything I shouldn't.

"Wait, she actually exists?" Brad calls as he walks down the wooden staircase.

"And she's hot." Brad adds.

"Brad!" Zach basically shouts, putting his arm around my waist, becoming very protective.

"Babe, he didn't mean any harm." I whisper to Zach kissing his cheek.

"Are you actually his girlfriend?" Brad asked.

"Yep, my name is-" I start to say my hand out to shake his.

"(Y/n)" Brad says cutting off my sentence and shaking my hand.

"How did you know?" I ask not knowing that Zach had said much about me to his brother.

"This guy never stops mentioning you, or tagging you in pictures, and mom asked Zach how you were doing before." Brad answers.

I look at Zach and see a red tint in his cheeks and ears.

"Is that true Zach?" I ask with a smile looking up at him.

"Yeah." He answers with a slight, shy, giggle.

"That's really sweet." I reply getting on my tiptoes to kiss him quickly.

"Anyway, do you want to sit?" Brad asks as he points to the living room.

"Yeah." Zach answers.

Zach and I sit on the love seat, while Brad is in the old tan recliner closer to Zach.

"How did you guys meet?"

"We met through hockey stuff actually." I reply.

"Hockey stuff as in?"

"I play hockey for a NWHL team and so we were working at a kids camp together and got along really well." I state.

"Got yourself a hockey girl, huh?" Brad teases.

"Sure did." Zach answers with a smile at the mention of me.

"So, what position do you play?" He asks.

"Goalie." Zach answers for me.

"Thank you, (y/n)" Brad says with a snarky and teasing tone.
This caused Zach to somewhat playfully roll his eyes.

We all sit and talk for a while before Zach whispers in my ear.

"I gotta pee, you okay with him by yourself?"

"Yeah." I reply kissing his cheek. When Zach's footsteps can no longer be heard Brad's smile disappears.

"Look, my brother really likes you, my mom likes you, I'm not completely sold though. So, why are you interested in my brother?" Brad says leaning forward.

"Zach, is a nice guy and I understand what you are saying. A lot of girls have fucked with his heart in the past or only cared about the fact that he is a big-shot hockey player. I'm not like them, I love your brother. I truly do. He is sweet and kind hearted and he isn't one of the guys that plays games. He has a great sense of humor and he cares about everyone. Zach is a gentlemen and he just genuinely wants everyone to be happy. With that being said, I also understand that your opinion matters to Zach. So, what do I have to do to make you approve of Zach and I's relationship or even to get you to approve of me as his girlfriend?" I ask hearing the toilet flush upstairs and the faucet turned on.

"Treat my brother right. He might not seem like it but he has a fragile heart. I don't want to see him hurt again." Brad simpily answers as Zach's footsteps sound from the stairs.

"Babe, my stomach is kinda messed up. Is it alright if we head home?" Zach asks looking somewhat flushed.

I instantly shot up and walked to him putting my hand on his forehead to check for a fever and to check to see if his face was paling. he seemed oaky but, if he doesn't feel well, then he doesn't feel well.

"Of course, its okay. are you dizzy at all?" I ask moving his head so I can check his eyes.

"My stomach is just messed up. Probably just a 24 hour bug or something." Zach says handing me the car keys.

"It was nice meeting you Brad." I say as I walk with Zach to the door.

"You too, (y/n)." He calls, with what I think is a genuine smile on his face.

As Zach and I are sitting at a redlight he turns to look at me.

"So, I do have a good sense of humor? I love you too by the way." He says with a smile covering his features.

NHL imagines (requests closed) (3-18-18)(#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now