Patrik Laine- NHL awards

811 9 1

For @gallyChuky

46)"Will you go with me?" - "As long as you hold my hand."

53)"It's just so little and adorable." - "That's what she said."

It's twelve in the morning, so I'm making a snack then I'm gonna watch tv.

But, of course I can always count on Patrik to call me at weird hours of the day or night. Really a great best friend.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask." Patrik says as I answer the phone.

"Oh hey, I'm great thanks for asking. How are you?" I ask sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"This is serious." He says ignoring my sarcasm.

"What do you want Pat?" I ask as I turn on Netflix.

"Will you go with me? To the NHL awards?" Patrik asks through the phone.

"No, I don't do cameras or interviewers, or for a matter a fact, big events in general."

"Please, I need a date." Pat pleads.

"Look on craigslist or better yet, ask Auston."

"Haha, very funny. But seriously please, I need you to be my date. I already said you would be there. Oh and there will be free food and free entry to see the expansion draft choices." He pleads his case again.

"A little bit late but, As long as you hold my hand." I reply teasingly.

"Alright, so, be ready by 5, tomorrow. I'm in room 155." He says making a kissing noise through the phone.
5 o'clock comes around and I walk out of Patrik's bathroom in my floor length dress, to see him in a nice suit.

"Ready babe?" I ask him while adjusting his tie.

"Wow, I get all dolled up and you just ask me if I'm ready not a complement or anything." Patrik replays in a fake exasperated tone.

"Hey buddy, you the one that invited me. But, you do look very handsome." I say to Patrik as he holds the hotel room door open.

"Thank you, beautiful." He says ignoring my other comment.

As we start to walk down the carpet to enter the event, Patrik grabs my hand and starts to giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just so little and adorable." He says as he starts to rub my hand with his thumb.

"That's what she said." I reply as we approach an interviewer.

Patrik rolls his eyes at me and starts the interview never once letting go of my hand.

That was what caused the dreaded question.

"So are you too dating." The interview asks.

"I wish." I think before snapping back into the conversation.

"Yes, this is my girlfriend, (y/n)" he says pulling me closer so his arm is slug around my shoulder.

"Oh, so, how long have you all been dating?" She asks

"Oh about a year. Right babe?" He asks turning towards me a large smile covering his features.

"Yes, almost a year." I reply quickly. Still in shock.

"Okay, well I will let you all go. Have a nice night." She says.

"So I'm your girlfriend, now am I?" I ask as we start to walk into the building.

"Um....yeah." He says sounding very unsure.

"Funny, I was never told." I tease.

"I- just-well I-I like you a lot and I figured we were just kind of a thing. I mean, we are always flirting." He says removing his arm from my shoulder and putting his hand on my lower back.

Wow, didn't see that one coming. I think to myself.

"You know, your supposed to ask a girl before you date her right?" I ask with a giggle as we start our walk to the seats.

"Okay, (y/n) will you go out with me?" He asks stopping and grabbing my hands.

"Yeah." I say trying to sound nonchalant.

"Wow, that was really heart felt." He says rolling his eyes.

"Yes, I would love to actually date you. Even if you do look like a Bond villain right now." I reply kissing his cheek.

"Thank god" he mumbles.

"Alright, let's find our seats." I say pulling him along with me.


"That's how you and dad started dating?" Our ten year old daughter asks, rocking her seven month old brother.


"Dad is such a romantic." Our daughter sarcastically says as she rolls her eyes.

"Hey, I still got the most beautiful, talented, and caring wife ever, right? I mean, I did something right." He says entering the room carrying our two year old son, our six year old boy trailing behind.

"Yeah, you swept me off my feet on our first official date."

"That I did." He says with a cocky smirk.

That is till the toddler in his arms starts tapping his father in the face. The six year old pulling on his pant leg.

"What happened on your first date?" Our daughter asks

"That is a story for another time."

NHL imagines (requests closed) (3-18-18)(#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now