Alec Martinez- If Found Please Return to...

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Request:Can you write an Alec Martinez story? Where you're Tyler Toffoli's younger sister and you're watching his (tiny) dog while he's away. Alec stops by every day to water plants/check mail and you two end up hitting it off. When ty comes back with his fiancé he catches you two cuddle sleeping together?? Sorry it's so specific but maybe this could just be the back story and you pick up from there. 😬😬💕💕💕

Author note: of course!

"Bye guys! Have a great time!" I yell as I walk back inside careful of my brothers dog.

Though I run to change into my most comfortable sleeping short shorts and my most favorite sports bra and hoodie.

"Alright buddy, lets watch some tv." I said picking up the small pup and settling down on the couch.

The dog deciding to curl up in my lap like a cat.

Anyway, half way through the new episode of 'Expedition unknown' I hear a key in the door. Thinking my brother forgot something, which would be such a shock I mean he remembers everything, can you feel the sarcasm?

But when I looked at the door it wasn't my brother. Instead it was his very hot, very kind, teammate Alec Martinez.

"Hey, you must be Tyler's sister, (y/n). Right?" He asks putting his hand out.

"In the flesh. You must be that teammate Alec, right?" I reply, mocking him and getting a laugh from Alec. While also shaking his hand. Our grips linger a second to long.

"I just came in to drop off your brother's mail. I gotta water the plants real quick then I'll be out of your hair." Alec says with a chuckle.

"You don't have to rush- I mean, I don't want you to think that your annoying me cause your not." I reply, a dark red blush on my cheeks. Making me put my head down. Which causes Alec to laugh.

"Alright, I'm just gonna go water the plants." He says walking outside, only to come back inside about three minutes later.

"Umm, this is gonna sound stupid but, do you know where the hose is?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, follow me." I reply walking around to the left side of the house and grabbing it from behind the bushes. When I turn around I see Alec quickly move his gaze.

"Mr. Martinez, I do hope you were admiring the bushes and not my butt." I reply with a smirk.

"Ummm.....sorry it was ummm... there was a bee and I didn't want it to sting you." He says fumbling with his words.

"If you say so, water boy." I reply smirking. I then walk back inside to watch my tv show. That was after locking the door behind me. I mean, Alec has a key.

Just as I'm settled in, there is a knock on the door. When I open it Alex is on the other side with a sheepish look.

"I umm... I kinda for got my key, in the house."

"you do know that defeats the point of having a house key, right?" I ask letting him in.

"Yeah, I guess I just wasn't thinking about it at the time." He says grabbing his key.

"Alright well I will see you tomorrow, I guess, right water boy."

"I will see you tomorrow Tyler's sister."

"Oh, here's my number in case you forget your key again." I reply scribbling it down on his hand with a nearby pen. Also adding a 'if lost please return to Toffoli residence.'

"Hahaha, your so funny." He says when he looks at his hand.

"Night." I reply as he walks out.

"Goodnight little Toffoli." He says locking and closing the door behind himself.

NHL imagines (requests closed) (3-18-18)(#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now