Jimmy Vesey- I can do it myself.

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Request: Could you do an imagine where the reader sprains her knee while playing street hockey, and so her boyfriend, Jimmy Vesey freaks out and doesn't let her do anything herself and just takes care of her? Thank you ❤

Author note: Hey! So I'm very unsure about this one. I had writes block like the whole time. So, I'm sorry that it took so long. Please let me know if you like it! —————————————-

"So, the tests show that you have sprained your knee. You will need to take it easy for a while. Limit your walking. Ice and elevate it. But only keep the ice on for about twenty minutes, do that for ever hour you are awake." The doctor said reading from the paper, then handing it to me.

"Also, you can't drive." The doctor says before getting a nurse to bring a wheel chair.

I take this time to call Jimmy.

"Hey baby, how are you?" Jimmy asks through the phone.

"I'm okay, umm...I need you to pick me up."

"Okay, where are you?"

"I'm uh... at the hospital."

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Depends on what you classify as okay." I mumble.

"What happened?" He asks. The noise of a door closing behind him in the background.

"I sprained my knee." I mumble.

"You did what?!" Jimmy exclaims into the phone.

"I um.....well you see, I was playing street hockey and I umm, well, I kinda fell. The fall just so happened to be on my knee and someone else's body weight was added, but I'm good. Love you!" I exclaim quickly hanging up the phone.

I know how protective Jimmy can get so I rushed out what I needed to tell him.

Then again, knowing him he is probably already on his way to my house since he goes straight there on mondays and Thursday's since it's the only day that we are normally off work.

Though As cute and caring as he is, he can kinda be like an overprotective mother at times.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when the door to the examination room open. Entering is the nurse followed by Jimmy.

"I'll help her out you guys don't need to put her in a wheel chair." Jimmy says.

"We cannot allow that sir. You can push your wife in the chair if you want to though." The nurse says. My face turning bright red when she says wife. It gets even redder when Jimmy doesn't correct the nurse.

"Come on hunny." Jimmy says, with a cocky smile and while exaggerating the word 'hunny', as he lifts me into the chair.

"I can walk from here." I say bracing myself to get up and grab my crutches from Jimmy.

"Nope, you are not walking."

"I wasn't gonna walk I was gonna use my crutches." I reply as I start to stand up.

"Baby, stop. Your gonna hurt yourself." Jimmy says softly as he keeps rolling me toward the car.

"Babe, I can get into the car by myself." I insist when he tries to pick me up to put me in the passengers seat.

"Doctor said you have to rest and avoid using it. So, your not gonna use it or those crutches when I'm around." He says as he grabs me out of he chair and gently sets me down. Buckling my seat belt for me then closing the door.

"Jimmy so love you. I really do. But you know I can still use my arms right?" I ask cocking my eyebrow at him.

"I know. But, your my girl and your injured. Your not gonna do anything for yourself till your healed." He says as we pull up to a red light. Here he decides to kiss me. His warm lips on mine as his hand cups my cheek.

We are only broken apart when a car behind us honks.

"Jimmy, my house was the other way." I say as he turns down his road instead of mine.

"I know, I want you to stay with me till your healed. I don't want you to get hurt any worse." He says glancing at me as he pulls into his drive way.

"As long as it's okay with you." He adds quickly.

"It's fine with me, but I don't have any clothes." I reply adjusting in my seat.

"You can wear some of mine?" He says getting out of the car and coming to my side. Though he did make it sound more like a question.

"Okay." I reply as he lifts me up to carry me inside. My crutches left in the car.

"alright, I'm gonna go get you an ice pack and some pillows, okay?" Jimmy says as he softly lays me on our bed. Also placing clothes for me. Which include a pair of his grey sweatpants and one of his old hockey t-shirts.

I change and Jimmy comes in with the ice pack, pillows, and two bottles of water.

He gently places the ice back on my now elevated knee, careful not to put to much pressure on it.

"Come cuddle with me." I say as I reach out for him while he is sitting by my knees on the bed.

"Okay, just let me make sure your ice pack won't move to much, alright?" He asks softly as he move the ice pack so it is placed securely on my knee.

"How is your knee feeling?" He asks as he crawls into bed next to me.

"Cold." I reply.

"Hahaha, very funny." He says sarcastically with a smirk. Jimmy also wraps me in his arms so we are now cuddling.

"Jim?" I ask after a few second of silence.

"What's up?" He asks his voice soft and caring.

"Can you please pass me one of the waters?" I ask pointing to the waters that are sitting on his nightstand.

"Sure thing baby." He says reaching over and grabbing one, taking the flimsy plastic lid off before handing me the water. I take a quick swig before getting the cap from Jimmy and putting the water bottle on my nightstand.

"Babe?" Jimmy asks getting my attention.


"I'm never letting you play street hockey with out me there again. You know that right?"

"You know I'm going to play anyway, right?" I ask slightly mocking him.

"Babe, I don't like seeing you hurt." Jimmy says as he kisses my head.

"I don't like seeing you hurt either, but we both play a sport where that's gonna happen." I reply kissing his chin.

"I love you baby." Jimmy says once again breaking the silence between us. While also waking me up from my half asleep state.

"I love you to Jimmy bean." I reply with a lazy smirk, letting sleep take over.

NHL imagines (requests closed) (3-18-18)(#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now