Chapter 2. Running Late

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A.N. Hi thanks fro reading the first chapter. Hope you enjoy.
On the morning of Remus Lupin and Nymphodora Tonks' wedding, Hermione Granger woke up late.

For anyone who knows Hermione they would not need it to be explained that this is an unusual event. Hermione Granger being late or unprepared for anything had just never happened before.

Perhaps if she hadn't have over slept she would have taken more care.

Perhaps if she hadn't have been so rushed in grabbing her bridesmaid's dress from its hanging in the spare room she would have thought twice about picking up a box of unknown magical items that she had knocked over in her haste.

You would at the very least think that someone as smart as her would definitely never touch anything from a box with "WWW-experiments" on the side knowing, like she did, that the Weasley twins had a habit of leaving dangerous items around.

But then again perhaps we should not be so harsh; after all she was awfully tired and exhausted - even more so than normal for one who spends so many nights up-late studying. For the last three months she had been working on continuing Dumbledore's search for Tom Riddle's Horcruxes with Harry and Ron; or as she privately mused working for Harry and Ron as they never seemed to want to do any actual work - "It's not like You-Know-Who has written a book on 'Where to find my Horcruxes'" Ron would argue.

It was now September 1st - the day she should have been starting her seventh and final year at Hogwarts but instead was preparing to go Horcrux hunting with her two best friends.

Not that she complained. This was all to help Harry and she would do anything to help him. Hermione didn't have any siblings but she imagined that if she did she would feel for Harry something akin to the love one would feel for a brother.

They had planned to leave straight after Bill and Fleur's wedding but when Remus and Tonks' wedding had been announced to be held so soon after they had agreed to stay on the private agreement that they would be leaving no later than the day after.

Now, as it happened, Hermione found herself clutching onto a (in her opinion) horrid pink silk gown wearing only the matching pink silk underwear and scrambling around the floor to pick up the scattered and rolling items that she had knocked from the precariously placed box.

Exasperated, she set the gown down on the floor next to her and laid down upon the ground stretching out her arm to reach a greenish orb-looking item that had rolled far under the table.

It was at this moment that her red-haired younger friend and co-bridesmaid, Ginny, appeared at the door, already fully dressed but her hair hanging damp around her shoulders.

"Hermione, Mum says we have twenty minutes till the hairdresser comes."

And then she disappeared, obviously feeling as rushed as Hermione but more used to it after growing up at the Burrow.

"Twenty?" Hermione cried, disgruntled at her own lateness.

But she never heard an answer from Ginny, because it was at that same moment that she had spoken that her hand had finally found the green orb.

As soon as the sound had left her mouth a warm tingling sensation had washed over her starting from her fingertips which were wrapped around the orb and swathing her entire body in heat. In less than a second this feeling was replaced by a violent tugging, almost like that which one would feel travelling by portkey but much more painful. And then there was only darkness.
Hi thanks for reading.


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