Chapter 7. Caught Blue Handed

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Hermione found herself desperately wanting to know what the boys had done to irritate Professor McGonagall so. When a small group of boys that appeared to be around second years bounded up to the table with huge grins and obviously struggling to contain their mirth, Hermione opened her mouth about to ask them just that. However one look at the virtual steam coming from Lily's ears and the girl's determined glare at the offensive marauders as they approached their table was enough to make her shut her mouth.

James seemed to have spotted Lily and adjusted his course to the part of the table opposite to where they were standing.

Hermione thought James must be either oblivious to Lily's anger (although she didn't know how this was possible, imagining even if her hair had become real flames she wouldn't appear angrier) or he simply didn't care.

Sirius on the other hand had obviously perceived the girl's mood and looked at his friend in no less horror than if James had told him he was about to moon Voldemort.

Sirius followed, with obvious reluctance, and behind James as if using him as a shield from Lily's flame-throwing-fury.

James, smiling stupidly, took a seat across from where the girls still stood, but before he even had a chance to speak Lilly had cut him off.

"I don't even want to know this time James Potter!" Lily scolded taking a hold of Hermione's hand and yanking her down to the bench opposite to where the boys had just sat.

"But Lils -" James pouted, his face falling adorably.

He seemed so sincere. Hermione couldn't contain a small giggle.

Sirius brightened seeing that someone seemed normal and wasn't going to yell at him, he scooted slightly away from James, and placed himself directly in front of Hermione.

"Hi," Hermione said shyly, blushing to her embarrassment. After all she had known Sirius for two years before his death and hadn't been embarrassed about talking to him before. But then he hadn't been so dreamy, had he? That annoying voice in her head reminded her.

Hermione shook herself mentally. Since when did Hermione Granger say 'dreamy'; even if it was only in her head?

"The name's Black, Sirius Black." He said with a smirk, holding out his hand for Hermione to take.

Hermione laughed out loud and Lily swatted his hand away before Hermione had time to return the gesture.

"Does he - does he - even know where that comes from?" Hermione struggled to make out through her giggles.

"Unfortunately yes," came a new voice from Hermione's right. "Under a misguided attempt to Muggle literate the fellow I introduced him to the glory of James Bond this summer. You have no idea how long he has been waiting to try that out on someone."

Hermione's giggles got caught in her throat at the sight of Remus Lupin smiling at her. His sandy blonde hair was just a tad too long and fell into his eyes, which themselves were a dazzling blue that seemed too unnatural for eyes to be. Added on top of that his gorgeous smile Hermione couldn't believe that anyone would ever say that Sirius and James were good looking compared to this God.

Her blush deepened to Weasley level worthy.

"Her- Hermione," she said extending her hand the short distance to Remus.

He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, brought it up to his lips and brushed a soft kiss across the back of her knuckles.

Hermione could have sworn that she had melted and was now nothing more than a puddle on the floor.

Sirius huffed, drawing Hermione's attention back to him.

He really never changed; he was obviously disgruntled at Remus for somehow ousting him with Hermione.

His grumpy manner quickly changed, however, as he spied something towards the doors of the Great Hall, and was immediately sitting up straighter with a peevish grin plastered on his face.

Hermione turned and was greeted with the sight of no less than 20 Slytherins who were covered in various amounts of what looked like a blue powder. Some were only sporting splattered robes whilst others appeared to have taken a swim in it, their hair and faces completely blue. They were being ushered into the hall by a rather disgruntled Professor Slughorn.

The hall erupted with laughter, those who hadn't seen enjoying it for the first time and those that already knew set off again. Hermione eagerly joined it.

"At least we know it really doesn't wash off," said a voice close to Hermione.

She turned to see a small slightly-chubby boy sliding into the spare seat next to James.

His hands were covered in the same blue powder substance that the Slytherins were.

"Oh Peter!" James sighed annoyingly.

"Talk about caught red handed eh?" he replied sheepishly.

"More like blue handed," smiled Remus with a wolfish grin.

"Very funny Moony" Peter replied sarcastically, "but if McGonagall catches me like this, I'll be right in detention with them two," he added with a jerk of his head towards James and Sirius.

"Come to my room after dinner Peter, I'm sure I'll find something that will help," Lily added with some reluctance to assist with their rule breaking.

"What?!" James shouted. "Peter gets invited up to your room, but I your very own boyfriend am yet to get such an invitation?" he asked with dramatic flare.

"James," she sighed, "when will you get it through your thick skull that I will not go out without you?"

He opened his mouth to respond but she simply held up a hand and glared at him.

It was enough. He bowed his head defeated and said nothing more.

Hermione felt sorry for him, but she needn't have worried as only three minutes later he was whispering back and forth with his fellow marauders organising their next prank or whatnot.




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