Chapter 25. What I've Done

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A.N sorry I've not updated recently but here you go....Enjoy.


"You don't understand James!"

"I understand that My has been siting in that Hospital Wing for two weeks and you've been a prick, moping all day, I hardly even seen you anymore. Where do you go anyway?"

"The Astronomy Tower," supplied Peter and proceeded to cower slightly at the glare Remus sent him.

"The Astronomy Tower? Surely you have better things to do than cry you're heart out on the friggin' Tower like some love sick twit of a girl?" Sirius shouted accusingly, disgust emulating towards at his friend.

"Like going seeing her!" James yelled equally enraged.

However it wasn't enough to make Remus back down.

"Leave it! You don't know what I've done to her... what I've done to her..." he finished more weakly than he started.

"And how could you know?" James shouted back. "You haven't even asked about her!"

"I overheard you talking," Remus mumbled at his shoes, slightly defensive. He had cared1

He had wanted to see her...

Sirius scoffed, "I don't know about you Prongs but I've had enough of this whelp."

Remus looked up sandaled. Surely his friends wouldn't desert him!

Not that you deserve any better, he reminded himself dejectedly.

"I'm with you Pads, let's do this."

Confused and distracted Remus didn't have any time to react before two wands were pointed directly at his chest.

"Volubilis saxum"

Sirius smirked as he picked up the rock that marked the spot where his friend had been standing only moments before.

"Hope, you'll understand - we just thought it would be easier this way, you know?" Sirius talked to the rock as he turned it over in his hand. "And don't worry, we tested it out on a few first year Slytherins first, they turned out ... okay."

James laughed, "Don't frighten him. They were fine Remus." He directed this last to the rock.

"Are you coming Peter?" Sirius asked as he threw rock-Remus to James who caught him with a seeker's ease.

"Um... actually I think I might leave this one to you guys. Lily will probably be with My and I doubt she'll be happy with the whole 'rock' thing..." he stared nervously at his transfigured friend.

"Suit yourself," James shrugged and the two left the dormitory, rock in hand, to make their way to the hospital wing.

Peter was right and Lily was with Hermione when the boys arrived.

Hermione didn't see the new visitors straight away as she was bent over the bed organizing her things into a small bag; she had been cleared to leave the hospital wing that day and Lily was there to help her move her things.

Hermione was glad to finally be able to put on some normal clothes rather than having to wear the required hospital gown and had gladly accepted the white button up blouse and the flowing, green silk, knee-length skirt that Lily had brought down for her. Although her leg had stopped it's relentless bleeding it still required thick dressings and it would not only be incredibly painful but probably impossible for Hermione to wear jeans for some time.

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