Chaprtr 5. My Second Sixth Year?

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For three hours Hermione sat in the Hogwarts infirmary talking with Dumbledore. The first hour she spent delicately explaining her situation. She conceded to tell him her true full name, despite her initial apprehension to do so. She told him how she believed to have happened to be the victim of this time shift, having by herself (correctly) pieced together the likely-hood of a wayward Weasley experiment. She told him as much of herself as she believed she safely could; that is without revealing anymore names. And lastly she implored of him to help her.

Dumbledore, silently impressed with the young Witch's initiative of respect for the delicate balance of time, was only too eager to help his future student. However, as the second hour of their discussion revealed - for once (in Hermione's experience at least) the wise Wizard was at a loss of how to do so.

Hermione's discouraged and disappointed expression at this news was too much for the old Wizard to bear and the hence the third hour was spent discussing what they would do in the meantime, whilst Dumbledore would try to help Hermione.

Dumbledore explained to Hermione that he too had never heard of such a large time-jump in any of his extensive research of Wizarding history but nevertheless promised to help her as best he can and to get in contact with some old of his old colleagues that might be of more help. However since this problem might take some time to remedy, whilst he would be assisting Hermione he insisted that she must also attend Hogwarts.

"But a student entering Hogwarts later than their 2nd year is almost unheard of Professor," Hermione gasped. "I mean, in Hogwarts a History I read that it has only happened once!"

Dumbledore looked at her curiously for a moment before his expression returned to its naturally twinkling state. When he spoke no further Hermione continued.

"And I would really much rather assist you, Professor," Hermione argued.

"I wouldn't be able to stand sitting back and doing nothing whilst I might at the same time be doing irreversible damage to this time. I wouldn't be a hindrance, really I - "

She was stopped by Dumbledore putting up his hand.

"Hermione," he spoke gently. "Please do not believe me to be insulting your intelligence. There is really no question that you are an outstandingly bright young witch."

Hermione couldn't hide her blush.

"But," he continued slightly more solemn. "There is a fact we must face, that unfortunately there is a ...possibility, that we might not be able to reach a solution. That is to say - "

"- I might be stuck here." Hermione finished for him.

Dumbledore nodded sadly.

"I think it is best that you continue your education, here at Hogwarts, so that in that case you may be able to continue... living in this time."

Hermione, looking down at her hands, slowly nodded - conceding that he's reasoning made sense.

"What year would you be entering this year, my dear?" Dumbledore asked, after some time.

"My seventh."

"We'll then, considering your great time displacement, might I make a suggestion?" Dumbledore asked, peering at Hermione over his half moon spectacles.

"Of course," she replied automatically.

"Well, considering that our curriculum changes yearly and you have come back two decades, I expect there would be quite some difference."

Hermione nodded not quite following where he was heading but inwardly groaning at thought of the extra work that would inevitably hinder the time she would need to do her own time-travel research that she was mentally planning.

"Well, if it was agreeable to yourself, I was going to suggest that you might repeat your sixth year here. That is of course the year that the Newts curriculum starts and it might be easier for you to start from that point rather than try to catch up on it in addition to your seventh year studies."

Hermione smiled, quite agreeable to the idea of less work.

"Of course, less work would also mean more time to study on... other things... in our infamous library perhaps?" Dumbledore twinkled amusedly.

Hermione blushed again, confirming his suspicions.

"Very well then," he concluded that topic.

As the sun slowly disappeared behind the mountains surrounding the castle, the young girl and her Headmaster sat beside the hospital bed analysing the details for her upcoming (second) sixth year of Hogwarts.

Sometime after Madame Pomfrey had been by to light the white tapers that adorned the infirmary's walls. Dumbledore stood beckoning Hermione to do the same.

With a wave of his wand he transfigured her hospital gown into a (rather nice) set of Hogwarts robes.

"Well, we better be going down before they start the feast without us," he said merrily.

"Feast?" Hermione said, slightly perplexed.

"Why of course, it's September 1st after all," he said sweeping out the hospital doors.

Hermione stifled a laugh at her own stupidity at never even asking the date. Nevertheless she knew now.

'Exactly 20 years' she thought, as she followed the Headmaster down the stairs and to the slowly increasing unmistakable rumble of the students that were currently filing the Great Hall.




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