Chapter 30. What's Left Of Me

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A.N. Hi, read my other books if you're not already? Thanks.


What does one do when their life is split in two?

When you are left not really belonging in either?

There is no place for you anymore.

You exist in-between, left to pick up the pieces of your demolished lives and uncover just what little their really is left.

If you find something worth holding on to you will hold onto to it with all your might, because in the end the worst thing about it all is ...

You are entirely on your own.


Hermione sat alone in the study of Grimmauld Place. Her legs were folded beneath her and a book open on her lap. The book was open to a random page, she had not really read a word of it's ink-laid knowledge. How could you trust books anymore when you have proven that they do not hold all the answers?

There were no books to help her now.

There was no one to help her now.

Her eyes were fixed unseeingly to the grimy window that looked out across the street of the neglected house. The small park across the road was hidden in shadows, the sun falling lower in the sky with every minute that passed.

The old grandfather clock chimed six in the evening, it's resonating chimes bringing the young witch out of her stupor.

Harry and Ron had gone. They had left at lunch and had not told her when to expect them back, probably so that she would not worry if they did not come home. She tried not to think of that, but she looked guiltily at the book in her lap, it's unread pages staring accusingly back at her.

She sighed heavily, closing the book and placing it gently on the small side table beside her. She did not put it back in the shelf. She would read it. She had too. It was for Ron and Harry. She would read it. But after she had fixed something for dinner.

She rather thought she could go without eating; she certainly did no feel like doing such an act. But she knew she must, if not for her own health then for the sake of the small life growing inside of her.

She rested her hand on her flat abdomen as she walked down the steps from the study towards the front hall.

She often thought that the small life had been the only reason she was carrying on for. It was the reason she pulled herself out of bed each morning. It was the reason she made sure to eat proper meals, three times, each day.

But it was also the reason she was alone at Grimmauld Place, while Harry and Ron went out into dangers unknown.

No, they did not know of the small thing's existence but they had witnessed it's awful effects on it's mother in the early morning's rays.

After a week of unrelenting morning illness they had declared Hermione 'too unwell' to go with them on any actual horcrux searches.

Permitted by the young men only to help in the 'research' side, Hermione was hence confined to the walls of Grimmauld Place as her friends left to search out leads without anyone to guide their reckless natures.

She worried about them but she actually worried more about how much she worried about them.

Hermione wasn't as disappointed as she should have been (as she would have been, before) to have been left behind in their adventure.

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