Chapter 33. Don't Ever Leave Me

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A.N. Sorry for not updating. I've been busy with homework and school. I will try to update more.


It was another two weeks before Sirius Black was finally making his way back home.

After his miraculous return from the veil, falling through the stone archway to the bafflement of the Unspeakables, Sirius was taken for tests and medical exams before being presented with his pardon and within the day walking out of the Ministry of Magic.

His hasty release more than concerned the Order and the majority of opinion seemed to believe it a plot to obtain Harry's location.

Sirius was, for this reason, decided to be kept away from Harry and Grimmauld Place for as long as it took them to figure out by whom and how Sirius was being tracked. Hermione could only imagine the tantrums that would ensue at the Burrow, where Sirius was staying in the interim. If they were any worse than the fits Harry was giving them she truly felt sorry for Mrs Weasley.

Remus was barely seen during this time, only returning well after midnight when Mrs Weasley was forced to send him home.

The glimpses that Hermione did see of him however were clearly showing a younger man. He sprung down the stairs each morning like a child running to greet Christmas morning. A smile was never absent his bounding presence and although the expression caused the wrinkles around his eyes to deepen she thought he had never looked more like the man she had fell in love with.

She woke up on the Tuesday Sirius was due to arrive and vented her frustration on her wardrobe sending the tight fitting clothes flying across her room.

She was nervous ... excited ... thrilled ... scared. She didn't know how she would react when she could finally see him before her.

She settled on a dark purple skivvie. It was tight and without anything else on the round curve of her stomach was unmistakable to her condition. She truly adored the swelling of her stomach and wished she could show it off, but she couldn't so she reluctantly pulled on some loose fitting pants and threw over a too-large grey jumper.

She was glad her hair was manageable now as she probably would never feel the energy to sit and detangle the mess that it had once been but now she found herself with nothing left to do but wait.

She wondered down to the front lounge room and set herself in an armchair with a view of the entrance hall.

She didn't have to wait long.

She barely heard the opening of the door before Harry's deafening shout of "SIRIUS" had her jumping from her chair.

Escorted by Harry, like a puppy dog bounding at his heels, and Ron more elegantly clapping Sirius on the back they slowly made their way to the lounge room where Hermione stood frozen.

Hermione really couldn't blame Harry though, a large side of her wanting to do just the same and push Harry away, fighting for the man's attention.

Sirius looked just the same as the day he had left; devilishly handsome in a pair of worn denim jeans and a leather jacket thrown carelessly over a white shirt. His dark hair fell into his eyes as his smiled down at his jumping entourage.

"Why don't you go get dressed first?" He answered humorously to something Harry had asked.

Harry blushed as he looked down at his pajamas and Hermione would have bet (quite safely) that Harry had slept in that entrance hall.

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