Chapter 9. My, My, My

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



The word had spread like wildfire.

Who was 'Hermione' anyway?

Hermione had barely registered Emily calling her by the new nickname last night but either Emily was some sort of mutant Pavarti-and-Lavender-gossip-monster or else she had heard it from said monster, which she could only suspect was currently roaming the Hogwarts halls.

Either way the 'new girl' was now officially known by the Hogwarts population as 'My'.

From her failed attempts at breakfast the next morning to correct two fifth year boys on this mistaken name, who adamantly refused to believe that her name was in fact 'Hermione' and not 'My' because they heard so from Patricia who heard from Louis who heard from someone else that couldn't possibly be wrong because of some abstract reason they continued to argue upon Hermione guessed that her attempts in this matter of correction might be futile.

Hermione had slept in that morning and after waving Lily and Emily on she had arrived fairly late to the Great Hall and had slipped into one of the few remaining seats, hence placing her near the arguing fifth years.

Hermione had been so tired the night before that she had simply collapsed into her bed with the transfigured robe she wore still on. When she awoke however she was pleasantly surprised to find a wooden chest at the foot of her bed that had not been there before. Inside folded up neatly were a stack of school robes and casual clothes with a wand resting softly upon a pile of underthings. Hermione had picked up the wand gratefully and blushed at the thought of Albus Dumbledore picking out her bra; at the same time, absentmindedly, wondering how he had guessed her size right and then remembering that that was one of the sole things she would have been wearing when she had been found. The wand was not perfect, as is always when the wand is not picked out personally, but a letter from the Headmaster that Hermione found with the new garments explained that if she had any trouble with any of the items (wand included) that Professor McGonagall would only be to happy for an excuse to go shopping on any given weekend.

Hermione had dressed in some fresh robes before rushing down to the Great Hall for the remainder of breakfast. As soon as she looked at the piles of bacon and toast however her stomach had promptly reminded her that it was in no mood for food and she had spent the remaining ten minutes pushing a few eggs around on her plate.

It was not long before Professor McGonagall came down from the Head table and started handing out the student timetables to the Gryffindors.

Sixth year timetables took longer to hand out because first their subjects had to be cleared with their OWL scores for those subjects. Hermione's wouldn't since she had been 'home schooled' and had hence been passed judgement for her subjects, assumedly to the teachers, by Dumbledore. She did however still have to wait a little longer as Professor McGonagall started alphabetically administering the lists.

She saw Sirius as the first to get his timetable from the Professor who was obviously still angered by last nights 'prank'.

He simply winked at the fuming Head of House before catching Hermione's eye and galloping over to where she was still sitting at the table.

"Hi My!" He called loudly as he swung one strong arm around her shoulders.

"Hi," she replied not looking at him but glowering at the arm draped upon her shoulder.

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