Chapter 35. Teddy's Input

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"Watch this one!"

Hermione stopped her mixing of the batter to watch Sirius throw the pan to lift the pancake and flip it mid-air.

She clapped enthusiastically as the pancake landed neatly in the centre of the pan and Sirius gave a bow.

"Much better, it looks like you've finally got!"

"Knew I would!" he said gloatingly as he puffed out his chest. "Thirty-two has always been my lucky number."

Hermione grinned along with Sirius as they looked at the trampled sticky mess that the first and second batter had become, brushed across the floor and bench tops liberally.

"I think I'll leave that there a bit longer," he said after a moment of serious thought. "Shows my progress."

Hermione shook her head but let him leave the mess for now.

"Kingsley don't - I can do this myself -"

"Tonks I think you should wait it's not - Urgh! Black what is this?"

Sirius and Hermione's attentions were drawn as Tonks and Kingsley entered the kitchen aka Sirius' pancake swamp.

Kingsley quickly stepped out of the mess, waving his wand to rid his boots of the clinging half-cooked batter.

"Pancakes?" Sirius offered, flip held in one hand and apron tied around his waist.

"Maybe not," Kingsley grimaced.

"Kingsley?" Hermione brought the Auror's attention away from the congealed goop covered floor. "I have a - another of -"

She pulled out the scroll that Severus had left the night before and watched as the man's eyes lit up excitedly. He took the scroll from the young witch before he hurriedly made to take his leave. He hesitated only when he reached Tonks standing by the door. "Just - Just leave it till I've dealt with this okay?" Hermione could tell he was torn between the importance of the information in his hand and the topic Tonks and he had been arguing upon as they had entered.

He seemed to accept Tonks' mumbled commitment but Hermione could tell by the way the elder witch's eyes did not meet his that, whatever they had been arguing upon, Kingsley had just lost.

Tonks remained in the doorway only until they could hear the front doors shut above them before she left the kitchen, breakfast obviously forgotten.

Harry was pushed out of her way as she pulled open the door and dashed back up the stairs.

Harry just shrugged at the odd behavior of the pink-haired woman as he blearily rubbed his eyes and stepped into the kitchen.

"Pancake!" Sirius shouted as he dislodged a pancake from the pan throwing it over his shoulder and towards the morning's new addition.

Harry had to stumble forward to reach the pancake in time and only just managed to catch it in his outstretched palms.

He held it for probably close to a total of three seconds before his eyes widened seemingly only just realizing it was hot and let it drop from his hands to join it's predecessors on the floor.

Harry rubbed his abused red palms as Sirius offered an apologetic shrug.

"Whoops, guess I should have thought that one through more, eh?"

Harry scowled a little at being taken advantage of in his half-sleep morning state but the scowl disappeared as he gave a funny little jerk, his expression turning into one of confusion.

"Um Sirius?" Harry asked his godfather whom had already turned back to attend to his next weapon.

"I think I'm stuck," Harry squirmed as he tried to prize his feet from the gooey trap set to his ankles.

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