Chapter 26. Give Me You're Knickers

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A.N. Sexual Content- don't like don't read.


Hermione was able to brave the walk in between classes by the end of the next week. Luckily there wasn't that much homework to catch up on, the teachers being lenient on her, and she was able to skip the catch up readings, having already a firm grasp on the sixth year curriculum.

Remus had completely reversed his behavior of the first few weeks since the full moon. His was extremely reluctant to leave her side so much so that it was almost an argument every time Hermione had to go to the bathroom.

"But what if you slip and fall?" He would argue persistently.

"Then you will hear the bang accompanied by my cry of help. At such time you have my full permission to rush in, wand blazing and a brigade of teachers at your heels."

Remus would huff at her making light of the situation. "At least let me come in and help you remove your skirt."

As embarrassing as it was to admit, even to herself, sometimes it would indeed come to Hermione making this concession so that she was able to use the toilet.

At one point she had tried to hold out on bathroom visits until he had tucked her into bed at night, rushing out of the room as soon as he had left to relieve herself. Unfortunately he had discovered this tactic on only her second attempt and had not been too pleased about her deception.

The worst bit about her new disablement, however, was not his persistence in removing her underwear but his diligent restraint from doing anything else once said garment was removed. Even when he bathed her - oh yes he bathed her too! - his hands would not linger on her breasts, moving as softly and gently with the sponge over them as he did with her elbows.

Not even studying for the approaching exams, usually an effective distraction for her active mind, could dampen her increasing frustration after close to two weeks of this treatment.

"Remus!" she whined as she stood naked in the middle of the prefect bathroom, her hair dripping wet as he toweled her dry.

He ignored her whimpers as he moved the towel from one leg to the other sweeping soft circles over her skin. This behavior of hers was nothing knew to him.

Kneeling before her, she couldn't help but think how close he was to her heated centre and she closed her eyes as she imagined him closing the small gap, his tongue flicking out to...

She groaned out loud.

"This is Ridiculous!" she moaned.

Before he could even comprehend what was happening she had pushed him backwards so that he was lying with his back to the cool tiles of the floor.

She moved over him, her left knee pressing on his stomach and her small hands pushing down his shoulders as she twisted her injured thigh so it was lifted slightly away from them and the scars were visible to him.

His eyes immediately attached to the vivid red marks. Her skin was such perfect porcelain in between each angry wound that they looked almost unreal. He found himself unable to look away but she didn't seem to mind.

"Yes," she purred in his ear. "Look at them."

He turned slightly hurt eyes to meet hers.

"No. I don't mind them." She continued, "But I would like them a lot better if I got the benefits I'm entitled to get with them."

His eyes hardened as he caught on to her train of thought.

"No." He stated firmly.

"Why not Remus?" The childish whine was returning to her voice but her arms remained locked firm onto his shoulders. "I don't understand. You said you're meant to crave me!"

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