Chapter 27. Tap Those Red Heels Together

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Hermione finished her exams one day before Remus. So why was he locked within the Great Hall, she took advantage of the Sun filled lawns of Hogwarts grounds and found a spot by the lake, secluded from view of those but who chose to peer around the great willow tree. Severus sat with her as she dipped her bare feet into the edge of the cool lake.

If you asked her what they had been talking about after the fact she would not have been able to tell you. They were just talking, about nothing and everything at the same time.

The Sun was fully settled in a high arc by the time a shadow passed over them, signalling Remus' appearance from behind their shielding willow. With only the smallest of scowls Severus left them behind, Remus taking his spot beside their witch.

It wasn't long before he had moved closer. He took off his socks and shoes and joined her, lapping their feet on the waters edge.

She leaned against his chest as his hands cradled her, absently tracing smooth circles over her stomach as he recounted his last exam to her.

"What are you doing for the holidays?" he asked after the subject of exams was thoroughly exhausted.

Hermione frowned slighlt, although he couldn't see it. The causal tone in which the question was asked did nothing to distract the looming doom of the 'holidays'. Never before in her life had she hated the concept of 'holidays' as much as she currently did, which was saying something for Hermione Granger, school-and-book-lover-extraordinaire.

The truth was Dumbledore had invited her to accompany him in London for the summer. Her 'parents, that resided in Oxford had invited her, along with the Headmaster, to their manor for the beginning of the summer. Dumbledore had expressed exuberant interest in visiting the many Muggle landsites he had not yet explored.

Hermione had graciously accepted the invitation half on the knowledge that it would help with her 'cover' and half on her reluctance to spend her entire holidays in the castle as was her other option - to satay at Hogwarts.

Surprisingly Remus was happy with the idea of Hermione being so close to London. He explained that he had already been invited to the Potters' for the second week of the break and that they were sure to be frequenting Diagon Alley.

So with Dumbledore's acquiesce Hermione made plans with Remus to meet and it was only with the damper of a maximum two weeks apart that they sat the too-quick train ride back to Kings-Cross Station.

Hermione was surprised that Dumbledore had wanted to catch the Hogwarts Express to London and was sure he was doing so only for her benefit. It was only when he boarded the train and actually skipped off towards the driving cart so that he could 'witness the fun first hand' that she doubted this reasoning.

The train station was no place for a romantic goodbye but between the hurried bustling of the rejoined parents and students Remus and Hermione managed a small impassioned kiss that would leave their lips tingling with the loss of their partner for hours to come.

Dumbledore appeared at her side as the crowds parted to reveal an equally as old looking man searching for Remus.

"Two weeks!" she reminded him unnecessarily.

"Two weeks," he affirmed with no small measure of reluctance as he allowed the increasing distance between them to draw their interlocked fingers apart.

Hermione felt as if a very part of her was being taken away and although she knew that she would get it back (two weeks - only two weeks) she could not placate her protesting heart as if it really was being split, Remus taking his share and denying her rest until it was returned and him by her side, the way it should be.

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