Chapter 12. A Chocolate Remus

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A.N sorry I've not updated for a bit.


"Pinch me I'm in Heaven."

Lily holding onto Sirius' other arm giggled.


"So ungrateful," Hermione smirked.

Her triumph was dashed however when Sirius pulled a large piece of blueberry pancake from her hair, plopping it into his mouth.

Disgusted equally by Sirius' action and the thought of residue from this morning's food fight still residing in her hair, she pulled away from their friendly embrace shaking her head upside down and running her fingers through her hair.

Alerted by the hair-induced-drama of their friend and equally or more so distressed as Hermione, Lily and Emily ran to the side of their friend to assist in the search of pancake fragments.

James, who had been the main food fight bandit that morning, sniggered loudly and pulled the other boys ahead of the other girls, leaving them to sort out their girly hair problems.

They were halfway to Hogsmeade and it was cold, the snow already giving a fair coat to the ground, an early winter pending.

Lily looking up at the scampering Marauders, scoffed at James' gloating grin.

"Fine, but don't expect me to charm the back of your hair clean when you discover that big pumpkin juice splatter at the back of your head," she called out.

Horrified James brought his hand up to run through his clean hair.

Remus' laughs drowned out the girls giggles.

Holding his sides and eyes closed Remus didn't expect the sludgy snowball being thrown at him from an annoyed James.

Hair-crisis cleared and avoided the girls ran past the now quickly dampening boys and rushed to beat them to the magical wizarding town and the warmth of a Butterbeer.

When the boys finally reached The Three Broomsticks the girls had already been through two rounds of Butterbeers and were completely absorbed in vain discussions of hair and the latest Muggle fashion trends while flipping through some of Lily's Muggle 'Cosmopolitan' magazines. Emily, who was a pureblood, thought it quite disbelieving that Muggles actually wore tights, as well as things she discovered to be called 'leg warmers', in public.

Hermione was just attempting to discourage Lily and Emily who currently had their hands deep within her hair examining and discussing over the top of her head what charms they could use to 'fix' her when Remus slid into the bench next to Emily.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed. "You're all wet!"

Remus chuckled in a very Sirius-like-way as Emily clambered over Hermione to get away from the wet Marauder.

Lily, pushing Emily's flailing arms out of the way as the girl settled in between them, calmly waved her wand in the direction of the dripping boys drying their squelching clothes.

"Thanks Hun," James winked at her as he pulled up a seat at their corner booth.

The girls only stayed at the pub to finish their drinks before they left the boys and headed out to look around the small town. The boys wanted to go and see the "haunted" Shrieking Shack but Emily simply refused to walk that far and be disappointed 'again' when she was sure that there was nothing interesting to see there. Hermione found it difficult to hide her smirk as she heard Sirius whisper to James "well not for a couple of days anyway". Her urge to smirk disappeared however when she saw the pale and sickly looking Remus sitting quietly as they talked around him. She remembered that the Wolfsbane potion had yet to be discovered in this time and she felt immensely guilty for having knowledge of such a helpful substance and not being able to share it to ease his pain.

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