Chapter 6. I'm Lily Evans

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Thankfully Hermione was not made to wait with the first year students. The Headmaster had kindly offered for her to forgo the sorting process and simply be put into her future house.

However she still felt as nervous as a first year, if not more than.

Although she suspected that much of the staff would still be the same, guessing from their much speculated ages (although she doubted George's reasoning that Flitwick was 300 and hence had been shrinking for the last 200 years), and therefore she would already know some people she had to remind herself that they did not know her.

When they arrived at the Great Hall it appeared that the students were still filtering in from the carriages, most already inside but the dawdlers slowly streaming in.

Hermione followed Dumbledore through the large doors and towards the Gryffindor table.

Being lead by Dumbledore into such a familiar place made Hermione almost wonder of the realness of her situation.

Her musings were stopped quite forcefully however when unbeknownst to her Dumbledore had stopped midway down the table and Hermione had run quite literally into him.

"S- Sorry Professor," she blushed as she stumbled a bit.

"Don't worry dear, no harm done," he twinkled merrily before he turned his attentions to a girl in front of them.

The girl had vibrant red long hair that looked so smooth and soft Hermione felt her hand twitch just wanting to touch it. She really was very pretty and had sparkling green eyes, just like...

"Miss Evans, I was hoping you might be able to help me. This here," he gestured to Hermione, "is Miss Hermione Granger. She is a transfer student and is starting Hogwarts this year in her sixth year. I trust as a prefect I can entrust her to you to show her around."

Hermione smiled trying to hide her shock; she hadn't even considered that she might recognise some of the students. She supposed that all the adult wizards and witches she knew looked a lot older than twenty years difference from her own age. It was also a shocking reminder of the effect the war was to have on these people. Her head whipped around surveying the faces of the Gryffindor table with interest looking for those familiar faces that should accompany this red-heads presence.

Meanwhile the red-head was seemingly swelling at Dumbledore's implied praise. Only to eager to please she said "Of course Professor, she is entirely safe with me."

"Very good to hear," he winked at Hermione. "I will see that your things are delivered to your room for you tonight."

"Thankyou Professor Dumbledore," Hermione smiled shyly.

Hermione having obviously brought nothing with her during her time trip had embarrassedly pointed this out to the Headmaster during their discussion in the hospital wing to which he had waved away any of her insecurities and assured her that the school had special funds for situations such as these (not that is particular situation had occurred before) and that she should think nothing of it. He had assured her that she would simply become a ward of the school until she finished her seventh year (a time in itself Hermione hoped not to stay until).

Dumbledore gave her a small nod and swept up to the head table leaving Hermione with the pretty girl.

"Hi I'm Lily Evans," the girl extended her hand. "I'm sixth year too -"

CRASH. As one the whole hall turned towards the entrance hall where the sound had come from, some even standing on their seats to get a better view, all that is except Lily.

"- and that would be the marauders," she finished with an eye roll.

Hermione tried not to laugh at the girl's exasperated response, but her efforts where lost when seconds later a black haired boy ran into the hall closely followed by an irate and frazzled looking Professor McGonagall.

"SIRIUS BLACK," her voice reverberated around the hall. "You - you - you haven't even made it into the Great Hall this time before - before -"

Without turning from the scene in front of her, Hermione could see out of the corner of her eye even Dumbledore was chuckling at the commotion. Hermione couldn't even remember Fred and George getting Professor McGonagall this irate - well to be fair maybe she could - but this would come a close second.

"Madam, I'm offended," Sirius interrupted with impressive false shock.

Hermione could see at least ten girls at the long table adjacent to hers practically swoon at his voice; I guess Sirius really was the lady's man she thought amusedly.

"You immediately presume me to be the offender, honestly, why would I want to start my sixth year off on such a foot, I guarantee you -"

"Enough Mr Black," McGonagall interrupted, looking very close to throttling him.

"If I'm not very much mistaken," she continued. "I'd also wager that a - ahh yes Mr Potter, how nice of you to join us."

Hermione turned to see a boy with messy black hair, slightly taller than Sirius, trying to slink nonchalantly into the hall.

"What? Me?" he said smoothly, with same cool confidence that Sirius exuded.

"Do not insult me further by trying to fool me Potter; I know that whatever one of you two does the other is never far behind. Detention. The both of you. Tomorrow night."

She looked about ready to literally explode if they were to say anything more and the boys seemed to have picked up as much as they merely shrugged and sauntered over to the Gryffindor table.
Thanks for reading.

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