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"The fuck you think you are?"

Jennie looked up and saw a pale, tall girl with bangs, arms crossed on her chest, raising an eyebrow. 

Jennie only replied with a confused look.

The girl scoffed, slammed her hand on Jennie's desk, bending forward. 

The class went quiet after hearing the thud.  

The transferee leaned back at the sudden distance, widening her eyes at the girl.

Calm yourself, don't do anything stupid. Jennie thought.

"Are you blind?" the girl pointed at the engraved words on the desk

Jennie sat straight and read the words out loud.


"Hell yeah bitch. Me." she pointed at herself

"My property." Yuju says sternly

Jennie did not budge, in fact she is not scared at all. She's thinking of how stupid Yuju is. Why make a big deal of such a thing? Besides, it's the school's property not hers.

"Ya. Get your ass up didn't you hear me?" the taller one pushed Jennie's forehead using a finger

The transferee didn't get up instead she kept on staring at Yuju saying, bitch make me.

That did it for Yuju. She gave a strong push to Jennie's side making her land on the floor.  

"Fuck off will you!" the taller one says, throwing Jennie's things towards her.

Jennie  accepted defeat, sitting on the floor picking up her things. 

"Stop this idiot." Jennie heard a voice just beside her, surprised to see another pair of hands helping her.

She gave a glance the owner of the hands and saw a blonde girl talking to Yuju. 

"The teacher's looking." 

Both Jennie and Yuju shifted their gaze from the  blonde to Chanyeol, who is now shaking his head.

The blonde lifted Jennie up. Not far from Yuju's seat, the blonde placed her bag to a vacant seat just beside another nerd. 

Chanyeol cleared his thorat. "Yuju, 2 hours detention." 

"Oh fuck you." Yuju retorted

"If that's what you want. 3 hours." the teacher said back

Yuju face palmed in reply.

As the class begun Jennie sat down on her new seat, remembering to find the blonde later to say thank you. 

She shifted her gaze from the board to her new seatmate. Her seatmate has her hair tied in a pony tail, wearing glasses like hers. Jennie assumed her seatmate is the real nerd. 

Jennie noticed all the crumpled papers surrounding her seatmate. Thinking maybe the nerd came up with bunch of solutions just to answer one equation. She's staring at her seatmate for too long but the nerd didn't even bother looking at her.

After scribbling some notes on her notebook, the seatmate sighed in relief as she finally got the correct solution.

Jennie leaned on the nerd's side to peek, "Woah you are fast!"

The nerd slightly jumped on her seat. She widened her eyes at Jennie, covering her papers all of a sudden like it's her baby.

"U-uhm, w-who a-re y-you?" the nerd almost whispered, giving the transferee a frightened look.

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