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The next day, Jennie went looking for Lisa. It was early in the morning when got inside the campus.

She can't believe she's out before the sun does. Last night was pretty hectic for her, thinking about what to do about the person who kept on putting stuffs in her locker. That kept her awake last night, having no sleep at all.

She realized she can't do this on her own, so she did text Lisa beforehand to meet up with her.

Jennie climbed up the stairs, going to the rooftop. When she got there, the scent of cigarette welcomed her.

The nerd found her blonde friend smoking early in the morning.

As she approached her, the blonde acknowledge her presence, even offering a cigarette to Jennie. Although tempting, the fake nerd refused.

They stood next to each other looking at the bright sky, smelling the cold air with a mix of smoke. Jennie started to tell her about the locker incident.

"Are you sure you know nobody in the school?" Lisa asked

Jennie shrugged at Lisa who is stomping her cigarette.

"I don't know. I'm new remember?"

Lisa only gave the 'oh yeah you're right' look.

"Say wanna join me find the culprit?" the nerd wriggles her eyebrows.

After her long thoughts last night she came up with a plan.

Out of her three friends, she thinks Lisa is more capable of doing things like this.

Lisa smirked. "Bring it nerdy."

"Okay, so here's the plan."


Just before the bell rings at lunch, Jennie excused herself to go to the bathroom to meet Lisa.

"Pst Lisa?" she whispered entering the room

"Ayo am here just a second my zipper got stuck." she says, her voice coming from a stall.

Jennie gave a little chuckle.

The bathroom stall bursted open showing Lisa with a grin.

"So are you sure the counselor goes out to buy her lunch?" the blonde asked

"Yup. Been watching her for a while now and if I could just steal the students record just after she comes back."

Lisa nods.

"How many minutes does it take her to buy her lunch?"

"15 minutes or less but if I failed that's when you come in." Jennie glances over her watch, the bell should ring by now


Nice timing. Jennie thought.

"Come on let's go."

The two of them sprinted over to the guidance office but as soon as they got there the guidance counselor was counseling a crying student.

"Shit." Jennie says

"Woah you cursed?" Lisa teased

The fake nerd glared at her. They hid just beside the office, still peeking at the counselor.

"Anyway, what happens now?" she asks putting her hand on Jennie's shoulder, peeking

"Uh we'll come back later. First, let's grab lunch." Jennie replied

After paying for burritos they ran back to the office to find out that it was empty.

"Finally." Jennie threw her burrito to Lisa. The burrito almost fell at Lisa's grasp

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