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After days of avoiding her friends, days of comprehending, days of more analyzation, Jennie made her decision.

"Fucking Jisoo." Jennie gritted her teeth

"Are you sure?" Lisa asks

Its Wednesday. 8:00 pm. They are currently inside Lisa's room. The three of them. Without Jisoo.

Jennie called them for a meeting and told the story about the text.

That day, she told Detective Park what has been happening to her and to the school.

After a long talk they decided to work hand in hand to catch her friend.

"It must be her I mean. I have no other friends. Lisa, you're always with me. And Rosé cant even do shit so who else?"

"You're mean." Rosé pouted

"That's it? What if Mr. Park was mistaken." Lisa raised her eyebrow

Jennie rolled her eyes.

"It's Jisoo. Why?" she paused

"First, I've been amazed by the fact that she already knew me when I first got here. Second, she was there during Yuju's death, she found me easily in Jiyoung's house, she knew my fucking code in my locker and lastly a raven haired girl who's not with us at the time of our teacher's death" she snapped

Rosé nodded.

"Ok so now what? What are you gonna do?" the blonde asks

"We need to make her spill before catching her."

Lisa scrunched her nose

"I'm sorry 'we'?"

"I'll be needing you guys." Jennie smirked at her two friends

"U-uh please leave me out of this. I'm scared." their nerd friend bit her nails

"Come on Chaeyoung just this once? You don't have to do anything you are just going to be a bait?" Jennie gave her reassuring smile

"U-uhm are you sure I won't like die or-"

Lisa chuckled at her cuteness. (chaelisa ftw bye)

"No. You won't die. I'm here. We're here. We're not letting anyone hurt you."

The blonde gave a thumbs up

"She's right."

"So what do you say?"

Jennie and Lisa stared at Chaeyoung, waiting for an answer.

"E-eh?" Rosé shifted her gaze from Lisa to Jennie, sighing in defeat



"I'm glad you're back Jennie. We were so worried. What happened? Why are you avoiding us?" Jisoo asks

The four of them are comfortably eating pizza on the the school's rooftoop, sitting on the floor with crossed legs, making a circle.

Jennie just smirked inside her head and look at the other two.

"I'm just too stressed and busy these days. You know, family stuff." she lies, waving her hand in the air

Lisa couldn't hide her laughter, a snort came out of her mouth

"What's so funny Lisa?" the older asked, confused

"N-nothing." she clears her throat

"I just thought of a joke." Lisa giggles

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