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It was 6:00 in the afternoon. The Mathletes meeting is about to start.

Jennie went to the bathroom to pee and she's on her way to the meeting.

She met a couple making out in the hallway but they didn't notice her presence at all. Realizing the girl was Yuju, Jennie fished her phone inside her pocket and took a picture of them.

So that guy is Jungkook huh.

She took a step forward, disgusted. She left them behind hoping she didn't get caught.


The meeting ended and Jennie's bladder is about to explode. She is left with Chaeyoung in the room, who is currently fixing her things.

"What the fuck did I drink?" she groans

"Hey Chae," Chaeyoung turned around to face her friend.

"I'm gonna go piss. Wait for me k?" Chaeyoung nodded and with that, Jennie Kim hurriedly went to the washroom.

After peeing, she slammed the cubicle and went to wash her hands. She heard footsteps coming in. Facing the mirror, she wondered who could that be.

"Oi nerd!" Yuju came in raising her hand for a high five with an annoying grin plastered on her face

Jennie closed the faucet, turning to face her with a poker face. Why are you still here? she thought.

Yuju dropped her hand down and crossed her arms.

"What? You don't like?"

Jennie scoffed.

"Yeah. I don't like. I don't like you to be specific. I don't like you treating Chaeyoung that way." Jennie also crossed her arms.

"Who the fuck is-oh your nerd friend!" she exclaimed, snorting afterwards

"Just stop. Do your own homework. Don't let others do it for you dumbass." she's staring into Yuju's soul and the latter only laughed like an idot, wiping fake tears

Yuju took a step forward, serious. Pushing Jennie's shoulder backwards

The nerd was standing strong, she did not stumble or whatever, making Yuju smirk.

"What if I don't want hmm?"

"What the fuck are you gonna do about it?" Yuju gave a stronger push

Jennie only smirked, taking a step forward.

Jennie brought her phone out and showed a picture to Yuju.

"It's you right?"

Yuju is dumbfounded.

"Would you mind if I send this to Dokyeom?" the nerd says with her sweetest voice

Yuju slammed her palm against the wall, closing the gap between them.

"What do you want tough nerd?" she gritted her teeth

Jennie felt Yuju's breath across her face. She scoffed, giving a sharp gaze

"I want you to fuck off. Don't ever mess with me or Chaeyoung or anyone you've been giving a hard time." Jennie pushed her backwards making Yuju stumble

"You make someone do the work for you and you can't even say thank you?" she scoffed

"Bullshit." another push

Yuju was scared all of a sudden. This is the first time ever a person sucessfully pushed her. Jennie took a step forward.

Once again they are inches away from each other. The nerd grabs the bully's collar. The latter only widened her eyes.

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