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Jennie woke up, pain pounding in her head. She sat up, eyeing her surroundings and realized she's not in her bedroom.

"Where the fuck am I?" she was about to rub her eyes but saw her bloody hands following her shirt with blood stains.

A memory of last night hit her.

Her eyes widened in shock. Jennie Kim is fully awake.

"Jiyoung!" she blurted

The nerd got up from the bed, realizing what happened is not a fucking dream.

She opened the bedroom door and saw Jisoo watching TV on the couch, in her uniform.

Jisoo turned back as soon as she heard the door opening.

"Oh you're awake. Look the pol-"

"Jisoo what happened at the party last night?" she cut her off, taking a seat beside Jisoo

Jisoo shook her head.

"It was going well until the power went out and the party ended." she sighs

"I went looking for you. I found you in the fucking smashed bathroom with blood on your clothes, brought you here since I don't know where you live. Now care to explain? I thought you're just gonna puke?" she asked

Jennie shook her head.

"Before I answer that, where the fuck is Jiyoung? Is he okay? Did somebody brought him to the hospital?"

Jisoo's face became gloomy all of a sudden.

"What? What happened? Did something happen to him?" Jennie clasps her hand hoping nothing happened to the boy

"That's what I'm about to tell you," Jisoo looked down for a second

"Jiyoung's missing."

Jennie swooped her hair back, frustrated.


She can't believe this is all happening right now.

"His friends looked for him everywhere after the party. They asked his parents, and even went to clubs Jiyoung would go to. But they didn't find him."

"They called the police after and the police began the investigation, asking all the participants at the party to cooperate with them, including us." the older gave Jennie a pity look

"I'm finished giving answers a while ago I told them that as soon as you wake up we would go to them. But we can go later. You need to tell me what happened." Jisoo scoots closer as Jennie shook her head in disappointment, telling her what happened before passing out.

Jisoo gasped.

"What? Then maybe the power shutting down isn't a coincidence at all."

Jennie nodded.

"We've got to tell the police." Jennie stood up

"Ugh yeah Jennie? We've got a little problem." the older stood up afterwards

"What? What is it?" Jennie was confused

"We still have school." Jisoo says


It turns out that Jisoo went to her apartment for lunch to check on Jennie.

That means, Jennie slept the whole day, missing her morning classes.

The nerd barrowed Jisoo's extra uniform and got rid of the bloody clothes before going to school.

They're 5 minutes late from their 1st period in the afternoon so they got in the room sweaty from running.

They stopped by the door and all eyes are on them.

"Ms. Kim and Ms. Kim you're late. We have a pop quiz today hurry up and catch up." Mrs. Oh said

The girls both sat down. As soon as Jennie grabbed a pen from her bag, the door flung open.

A police came in with Principal Min.

"Excuse me Mrs. Oh, can we excuse Ms. Jennie Kim for a few minutes?" Mr. Min politely says

Jennie looked at his direction, making eye contact

The fake nerd nervously stood up and looked back at her seatmate, Chaeyoung.

The thought of Jennie doing something bad to make the Principal come and get her made Chaeyoung look away from her friend.

Jennie walked together with the police, going to the principal's office.

She sat across the principal and fiddled her fingers nervously. Even though she didn't do anything wrong, she's worried that the police might recognize her as the notorious high school student who kills.

"What's up?" Jennie asked cooly

Mr. Min raised an eyebrow at her. He can't believe that the nerd sitting across her is the culprit of the kidnapping.

"Where's Jiyoung? What did you do?" he asked

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows.

"What? Are you blaming me again?" she asked bored

Mr. Min was quiet. Jennie couldn't take the bullshit so she stood up, about to hit the Principal when a cop grasp her shoulders pulling her back down to sit.

"Calm down Miss." the cop says

The nerd sighed.

"Are you kidding me Mr. Min? What? You don't even have a proof." she says raising her voice

Mr. Min scoffed.

"Yes we have. And same as last time, the CCTV was cut off." the principal got the remote and pressed play

The footage caught her sneaking behind Jiyoung, her entering the bathroom and Jiyoung entering afterwards.

"What? That's it? I'm telling you somebody is setting me up." Jennie crossed her arms, telling the principal everything including the girl she saw

"So you're saying you didn't do it?"

Jennie face palmed.

"No! Ask Jisoo she found me in the bathroom passed out."

Mr. Min sighed, Jisoo did tell him that a while ago.

"Can I leave?"

The principal made eye contact with the police and the police nodded in agreement.

Jennie got up and left. She's headed towards her locker. It's almost time for the next period and the books she needed are all there.

With the thought of the black haired girl she saw, she's determined to find out who she is and to why she's doing this to her.

Reaching her locker, an odd smell was all over it. Entering the combination, she opened it and a dead rat welcomes her.

"Not again." a note was sticked to the body of the animal, fresh blood was used to write.

She snatched the note harshly, reading the words,

Surprise! It's dead. Ever wondered what happened to Jiyoung?


tbh i wrote this weeks ago just too lazy to publish it hehe

i just feel like it's shitty so ye

thanks again


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