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"Help m-!" Jennie slapped Jiyoung's mouth to prevent him from screaming.

"Scream and you won't leave here alive." she says in a low tone.

As Jiyoung started breathing slowly, Jennie removed her hand from his mouth, pulling his hair back while her other hand holding the wooden plunger, pointing the boy's neck.

"A fucking dare huh." she smirks

"W-wait I-"

That did it for Jennie. The nerd slammed the boy's head at the mirror behind him

Jiyoung groans holding his head having Jennie to knee his private area.

The boy was wincing in pain. Again Jennie grab a hold of his hair, pulling it back harshly, slamming his head against the mirror.

Jennie let go as the mirror shattered into pieces.

Jiyoung dizzily looked back at the shattered pieces.

"Arrrrghh m-my head." The boy turned back from Jennie, holding onto the wall to stop the diziness.

Jennie can't take it anymore. She thought that just this once when she finally became a good girl, people will start liking her.

But she thought wrong. How could they use her for their games? She's sick and tired of being played and thought that maybe boys are not meant for someone like her.

And she hated it.

The nerd clenched the plunger's stick tightly. Holding it like a baseball bat, she aimed for the back of his neck.

"ARGH!" the boy fell down and was close to tears as he felt his neck about to break.

Jennie stepped forward, grabbing his collar pulling Jiyoung back up.

Jiyoung was a panting mess. The nerd only slammed his body against the wall, with her gaze almost killing the boy.

"I'm s-sorry p-please stop ACK!-" she let both of her hands circle Jiyoung's neck, strangling Jiyoung

The boy starts to choke.

"DON'T FUCKING. MESS. WITH ME. EVER." after every period is a tighter grip of his neck

"AGAIN!" Jennie yelled, letting his prey go

Jiyoung fell down gasping for air.
She looked down on Jiyoung, realized she's tired from all the work, not to mention she's also dizzy from all the drinking she have done back there.

She kicked him one last time in the gut before crossing her arms.

"Well? Atleast I didn't kill you."

She pulled the doorknob open and was on her way to the balcony when she stopped.

Jennie Kim feels guilty. She thought that maybe it's just because of the alcohol but her conscience is eating her stomach.

The girl realized she's not supposed to do things that involve hurting people.

Because a memory of the past hit her.

"Stop! I never loved you!" she grabbed the knife and began stabbi-

"NO!" she turned her heel, going back to the bathroom.

She sighed.

"I'm such a good person the old me would hate me right now."

Jennie stood outside the bathroom door, slowly knocking it thrice.

"Hey Jiyoung? You're still there?" she leaned her ear next to the door and heard shuffling noises

She sighs once again as she thought Jiyoung's too scared to open the door.

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