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"This is not what it looks like please you have to believe me!" Jennie was dragged in the principal's office by the security guards, still grasping her arms for her not to escape

After Mr. Min's important lecture about safety and what happened to Yuju and Jiyoung the screen started to show different pictures. The school staffs thought about shutting it down knowing it just needs repair.

But the moment Mr. Park turned it off, pictures of Yuju and Jiyoung in a bathroom started to appear. That's when Jennie entered, the same time as her criminal records.

"A criminal. In this goddamn school?!" Mr. Min is not relaxed on his seat, yelling at the Guidance Counselor

Not only the Guidance counselor, all faculty members were lined up inside the office.

The principal wiped his forehead from frustration.

"Why didn't you check Jennie's background? If that's even her real name?"

The guidance counselor did not made eye contact, her face fell down looking at her shoes.

Mr. Min couldn't believe this is all happening in his school. The school's rating is already below average, what more if people found out about this 'criminal'

Jennie gave a pleading look at the principal.

"Look Mr. Min you got the wrong idea," she paused

"That was before! I'm trying my best here to-"

"You're herby expelled from this school." Mr. Min cut her off.


"EXPELLED!" Mr. Min slammed his fist on his desk

Jennie looked down in defeat, thinking of ways to persuade the old man.

After a long silence, Mr. Park cleared his throat.

"Sir. If I may interrupt, I don't think expelling a student without a reliable reason is not a proper-"

"Having a murderer in my school is a reliable reason Chanyeol." the older said sternly

The nerd scoffed at his remark.

"A murderer?" she muttered

"A murderer?" Jennie repeats, louder

She harshly removed the guards grip from her arms. Slamming her hands against the table, she is face to face with the principal

"You can't call me a murderer when you can't even prove shit." she grits her teeth

The principal narrowed his eyes at the student, standing up

"Then you might as well explain. You're the only one who's not in the auditorium after I made an announcement."

"Well that's because-"

"That's because you're behind the unexpected-"

"Look Sir if you just listen to me!" Jennie shouted, losing her cool

The guards approached Jennie to stop her just in case something happens.

Silence filled the room, waiting for Jennie.

"Yes I'm a criminal before but even if that is true I would never expose my self like that in front of many people. I mean come on? I hid my identity right? Why would I plan on exposing my self if I hid it in the first place."

The principal looked at her, tilting his head.

"Well that is. In fact, true."

"Isn't it stupid? A murderer would never expose his self as a fucking murderer." Jennie calmly says

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