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Class has ended. Jennie still too lazy to get up, grabbed her pen and started biting it.

Although people still called her a murderer and told to get the fuck out of the Ecstacy, her mind was completely somewhere else.


Its been days since the incident and she cant stop thinking about it until now.

She was distant to her friends, mostly Jisoo but they never even noticed. Her friends just thought maybe she's having a hard time catching up with the lessons.

Jennie knew its not good to jump into conclusions. Specially when its your friend on the line.

"Hey Jennie I borrowed your chemistry book." speaking of Jisoo.

Jennie grabbed her backpack and looked for her chemistry book.

"Its not here. Did you get it already?" Jennie looked over her shoulder

"Yeah I got it from your locker."

Jennie acted like she was not surprised.

"How did you know my uhm?" she raised her eyebrow

"Oh that." Jisoo just laughed nervously

"Uhh I just know how to open things. It's my secret so shh." Jisoo winked

Jennie watched Jisoo putting books insode her bag, still not convinced about her answer.

"See ya later Jendeukie." the elder waved goodbye and strode out of the room

Jennie's eyes followed Jisoo as she disappeared. She suddenly remembered their group project in History. Which includes, Rosé whom she avoids for her sake.


"Is this supposed to be her house? Its so huge!" Lisa gasps

"Tell me about it." Jennie's eyes are in awe at the site

They're having their project at Chaeyoung's house and the two of them are standing outside, jaw dropped at the mansion.

"Should we call her to get us or just enter like this-"

An alarm was heard when Lisa touched the gate.

"What the heck! I didnt do anything!" Lisa hid behind Jennie envying the house

"I want a house like this." Jennie groans

"Who cares? How do we get in anyway?" the blonde stood beside Jennie

Jennie just glared at her friend and fished her phone inside her bag, planning to call Rosé instead.

Before she could even open the zipper, a taller male approached them, coming from the inside and opening the gate.

Apparantly its a guard or the gate keeper. Who knows?

The person grabbed a piece of paper inside his pocket and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Are you Lisa Manoban, Jennie Kim and Jisoo Kim?" His voice is deep making it scary.

The two of them just looked at each other.

"Ugh yeah. But Jisoo is not here yet she said she's running late." Jennie says

The guard nodded and placed the paper back inside his pocket.

"Hand me your ID's please." he says

Again, the two of them looked at each other.

"We strictly follow rules for the family's safety." he stretched out his arm to them

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