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(a/n there's a stabbing scene im sorry)

"All this time it was you and I-"

"Shut it." Rosé pointed the gun to her face, giving a cold stare at her

Jennie was all tied up upside down from the ceiling, back to back with Jisoo. Her head just inches above Chaeyoung's.

The burned house is round, wide and quite empty. Just a few boxes displayed, a stairs on the side, and above was a burned second floor, the floor barely complete leaving a wide hole which you can clearly see the first floor.

"I don't understand? H-how?" Jennie paused

"How could it be you? I analyzed this perfectly. You were there at your house when Mr. Park died?"

Rosé snorted bringing her gun down.

"I honestly thought you were smarter than that," she raised an eyebrow

"That was recorded. How could you fall for that?" her laughed echoed at the empty room

"What about Jiyoung you're-"

"I'm not drunk you see. Not like you idiots." Chaeyoung walks around them, playing the gun with her hands

Before Jennie could open her mouth Rosé spoke for her.

"We all know what happened to Yuju ok that was me. How could you be so dumb?" she laughed lowly, stopping infront of Jennie

"But you were so innocent and a-"

"Nerd?" Rosé scoffs

"That's the thing. No one ever suspects a goody two shoes" Rosé shrugs

"But why?" Jennie asked, exhausted about all of the information

"What did I do? I thought you were my friend? What did I do!" Jennie screamed making the rope spin.

"What did you do?" Rosé stepped closer

A slap was given to Jennie, echoing inside the house.

"You're asking me what the fuck did you do?" she grits her teeth

The nerd slapped her again, the red tint spreading easily at Jennie's cheeks. Rosé sure knows how to bitch slap.

But Jennie doesnt seem to care. She is so confused at the moment.

"Alice Park. Ever heard of that name before?"

Jennie blinked a few times, thinking the name sounds familiar. She brought her gaze back to Rosé and  that's when it hit her.


One year ago

It was in the middle of the summer, Jennie and her boyfriend Seungri scheduled a date in the park.

It's their second anniversary today, reaching the park, she skipped happily as she stepped on the land full of grass, smelling the scent of nature.

As she sat down below a tree where they first met, she texted her boyfriend saying she's already there.

"What surprise will he do now?" she giggled

Out of all her relationships, this time, she knew Seungri is really meant for her. Seungri really did change her life. With her life being a total bullshit, Seungri was the only thing, that felt right. He loved her with all her mistakes, and she is trultw grateful about it.

After minutes passed, he still hasn't showed up. That did not let her guard down, she is willing to wait.

Soon hours passed. The sky darkens, raindrops started to fall but he never came.

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