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Ian entered the house and immediately started unbuttoning his uniform shirt. The August heat was oppressive, rendering the air conditioning on the ambulance practically useless. He headed into the laundry room to he toss the garment, along with his pants, into the hamper.

"May as well be naked," Svetlana scoffed looking up from the newspaper as Ian walked into the kitchen in only his wife beater and boxer briefs.

"Don't tempt me," He said pouring himself a glass of ice water, chugging it down and refilling it, "Hot as fuck out there."

"Your boyfriend came home today in a strangely good mood. I think he may be experiencing heat stroke," She told him nonchalantly turning the page.

"Oh yeah?" Ian asked screwing down his eyebrows, pushing out his bottom lip and nodding his head with interest. He loved cranky Mickey, but happy Mickey was his favorite. He took another sip of his water and made his way into their bedroom, smiling instantly at the sight of Mickey spread out on the small bed in only his boxer shorts, messing around with his phone. The brunet returned the grin watching as Ian placed his water down and climbed onto the bed so he could he could hover over him, "You look really good laying there like that," Ian complimented, planting a kiss on Mickey's pillowy lips. He sat up a bit so he could allow his eyes to take in Mickey's toned biceps, broad chest and thick thighs, "Look at this fucking body..." he crooned peppering his collar bone with kisses and then moving up to pay special attention to the scar on his shoulder. He slid his hands underneath Mickey's hips and down below the waistband of his boxers so he could grab onto handfuls of Mickey's plump ass, "Mmm," he moaned, squeezing into the flesh, loving the soft grunt that escaped his lover's lips. In one fluid motion, he rolled them over so his back was flank against the mattress and Mickey was sitting on his lap. Still keeping a firm grip on his ass Ian began to rut up against it.

"Got some news," Mickey said trying not to let the lustful look on Ian's face and the fact that he was eagerly humping up on him get him distracted.

"Yeah?" Ian hummed, biting his lower lip and smacking one of his ass cheeks, smirking when he heard Mickey's breath hitch.

"I'm serious, man," He stated with a laugh, removing his ass from resting on Ian's cock much to he redhead's chagrin, "It's big fucking news."

Ian sat up and looked at Mickey hopefully, "Did Greer get back to you about the transfer?"

"He did," Mickey nodded, biting his lower lip to hold back the huge smile that was threatening to give him away.

"And..." Ian prompted, feeling his heartbeat begin to race. He could read Mickey like a book, he knew it was good news.

"An agent that's in Puerto Peñasco put in for a transfer back to the states. We gotta wait until I've been with the unit for a year, so we're looking at February," He said his face illuminated by the excitement that he'd been holding in.

"You serious?" Ian exclaimed leaning in to hug Mickey tightly, "this is fucking amazing!"

"Hey, hey. Don't get too worked up. We still gotta get Svet to agree to it," Mickey reminded him, chuckling as Ian licked and kissed at his neck and then moved up to his lips, full of passion and fervor. He reciprocated the kiss for a moment, before pulling back dying to share the rest of the information. He picked up his phone and turned it around so Ian could see the screen, "That's where it is."

Ian studied the map, noticing that the little red pin was on the west side of Mexico, right on the ocean, and not far from the border of Arizona. It was mind blowing that they could be living there in a little less than six months, "Seems like a good location, right?"

"It's a fucking awesome location," Mickey confirmed. He grabbed a couple of papers off his nightstand, "Checked it out after Greer told me..."

"Look who's researching now," Ian teased, earning him the middle finger from Mickey and a smirk from Mickey.

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