To Life

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"You alright?" Mickey double checked before entering the house. It was far from the first time they'd walked through that front door together. Eight years ago they would crash in, cigarettes hanging out of their mouths, laughter in their throats, a shared secret binding them together though they hadn't yet realized that their connection would grow much deeper than fucking in freezers or dugouts. Summer days spent sneaking into Sox games turned to summer nights laying in the grass of a much smaller field, smoking weed and watching the sun fall from the hazy, polluted sky. They'd instigate stupid arguments so they could wrestle around the ground, both desperate for touch but unsure of how to ask for it. As the seasons changed, so did they; playful shoves gave way to candied caresses, kittenish kicks to kisses. Winter came and went, bringing with it challenges that neither boy felt prepared to weather. Sometimes, Mickey would uncomfortably carry Yevgeny over the threshold, while other times would have him lugging his lanky lover, listless and lost. Over the years, they'd walked through that doorway battered and broken, fixing each other up only to face the brutal beatings of life again, "Ready?"

Ian nodded, gave him a half-smile and hoisted the duffle holding the contents of his former life up higher on his shoulder, "Yes."

The house was warm and toasty; a reminder that running the heat was no longer a luxury. "Daddy! Ian!" Yevgeny exclaimed as soon as he saw the two men freeing themselves of their jackets and scarves. He padded towards them, the ridiculous puppy slippers on his feet making it difficult for him to move as fast as he wanted to.

Mickey scooped his son up in his arms as soon as he made to him, "The fuck are these?" He asked with a laugh, gesturing towards the stuffed animals wrapped around Yev's feet.

"My puppies!" Yev said excitedly, "Zevvy got them for me. He has them, too. We wear them when we dance on the Yevvy and Zevvy show."

"The what now?" Ian asked blinking his eyes disconcertedly, trying to digest the information.

"I missed you," Yev said reaching out of Mickey's arms so he could climb into Ian's. The redhead held him close burying his face into the child's neck and taking a deep inhale.

"Missed you too, buddy," He whispered, feeling his heart swell in his chest. He'd held Yevgeny so many times before, but it was different this time, more settled and permanent. He would continue to hold him like this for as long as Yev would let him, knowing that one day the kid would become too cool for hugging. When that happened, he'd make up a secret handshake with him that only they would know. When he hit his teenage years he'd talk to him about hugging, kissing, and fucking boys, girls, or both and shake his hand like two grown men before he went on his first date. He'd force a hug on his graduation day, his wedding day, and the day his children are born, if he chooses to have them. He couldn't wait to hug him through every milestone in his life.

"Mommy told me that sometimes you get really sad," Yev said softly, "Are you still really sad?"

"Sometimes I do," Ian confirmed, feeling Mickey's hand rest on his lower back, "Right now, I'm really happy, though."

"Will you get really sad again?" Yev asked his voice cautious, his blue eyes curious.

"I will," Ian said, "but I'll always get happy again. So even when I'm sad, you don't have to worry, ok?"

Yevgeny nodded as if he understood.

"My babies have arrived!" Zev proclaimed as approached them. He was wearing a 'Kiss the Cook' apron and puppy slippers.

"Oh come the fuck on," Ian muttered, causing Mickey to laugh and rub his back soothingly.

Before Ian knew what was happening, Zev wrapped him in a tight bear hug. The redhead held onto Yevgeny and didn't reciprocate the embrace with his free arm, "You are a beautiful, strong man," Zev stated, his voice full of emotion as he placed his hands on Ian's cheeks and stared into his eyes earnestly, "I am honored to know you."

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