In The Lair of the Draca (Book 2) Chapter 22: Alone

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Night terrors plagued Ziuta like demons from the clouds.

Shivering earlier on her sleeping bench, still clad in the soaked gown which Mother had made for her (upon being returned to the lodge, she had refused to take it off), Ziuta had declined all of Mother's harried offers of pillows, blankets, or even comforting sheets. Being dragged back into Looks Thrice as a prisoner had been even worse than she'd suspected; Amiechek, the bubble-chinned matron, had been waiting there for her, and Ziuta suspected she'd riled up at least half the village with a condemning sermon before Malaraq shoved her at Gormaq's door.

"Behold the star-child who caused the death of Toraq, brother of Dijaq and member of our fine village Council!" the hefty woman had shouted, jabbing plump fingers into Ziuta's face as she passed. Stoic and reserved, it had been all Ziuta could to to keep from snapping at those fingers like a vicious dog. "This girl does not belong here! She is a foreigner, an alien, one who does not know the ways of our people...and because of her, Toraq is dead!"

"Aiii! Toraq is no longer with us?"

"What did she do?"

"What sorcery has the star-child wrought?"

Questions abounded; sweaty, smelly bodies clamored for a chance to see the diminutive captive being led along the outer path like a prisoner to the gallows. Faces leered; boys guffawed and jeered at the wet bodice of Ziuta's garment, through which it was possible to catch a glimpse of Ziuta's budding breasts. Her coral hair hung in limp strings, and she took slow, determined breaths, trying to look straight ahead-- to block out the pain, the rage, and the sadness, the way Pomoq would have done. She had met Pomoq before, and she liked him. Something about that eccentric old man had warmed her soul-- but where was he? And where was Gormaq?

Ziuta saw no friendly faces on her march back to Mother's lodge. Hands grabbed to tear at her garments; rocks where thrown. A few picked up sticks and whipped them at her, threatening to tear gashes in her tear-streaked cheeks. A wailing woman and her three small children, apparently the family of the dead Toraq, fell to their knees as the pathetic little procession approached and ripped at their clothing, pouring ashes upon their heads. The woman, a long-faced, skinny wisp of a specimen, had taken a knife and was shearing at her hair in devastated mourning.

"Aiiie! See what the witch-child has wrought upon this family!" she cried, glaring at Ziuta in passing with eyes that were lined with purple hollows. "Look at my children, denizens of Looks Thrice! Never again will they see their father! Now Toraq's tiny sons will be resorted to begging in the streets! Look what she has wrought! Look, I say!"

Ziuta was grateful for Luka-- he had refused to let go of her hand. While others turned away from her, he paused before Mother's open lodge door and pulled her close for a brief moment. "Think little for what others say about you," he whispered tightly. Ziuta nodded with a knot in her throat.

"But what do I do now? Will they throw me out? What will happen to me?"

"Think, Ziuta." He reached out to touch one muddy cheek. "Think of Water Fly, who kissed your nose before she vanished beneath the creek. Today, star-child, you have changed my heart. You can call the dragons. You will be the savior of this village before anyone can destroy it."

And with those words, he abruptly turned away, hastening to make his way through the malingering crowd.

"Luka! Wait! You are all I have left!" Ziuta called desperately...but Luka did not look back. As she watched, heart-broken and shamed, members of the crowd began to avert their eyes and faces and slowly dispersed.

Mother ushered Ziuta into the lodge, slamming the door.

Once inside, Ziuta blinked to adjust to the darkness inside of the cabin; the curtains had been drawn (surely the People of Looks Thrice will not punish Mother's family because of me!) , and Michek and Bichek sat quietly on their sleeping benches toward the rear, hands folded, gazing at her with pity. Amek was there, also, but she was oddly silent. Amek did not look up to meet Ziuta's eyes, either.

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