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Chapter 1-

"Dude I will not room with a queer! No fucking way!"

I look at this moron with a disgusted look and sigh. Jerry Ghea was supposed to be my shot at roommate redemption but no. This was my second try today!

I grab my bags...again...and head back to the Rooming Office. I set my bag down and the lady, Mrs. Sheeve, gives me a sad look.

"I'm sorry, but this is the last time I can reassign you Mr. Harrison." she says with a sigh.

I look at the lady blankly and nod before grabbing the piece of paper in her hands.
She shakes her head, but I can tell she understands.

I thought college was supposed to be easier than life back home. People were supposed to be more open minded. Weren't they?

So far, it had just been a giant pain in my ass. My fine ass...but still a damn pain.

I look at the paper and grab my bag before walking out the door.

When I'm almost through she calls out "Good luck Trey!" and then I hear her mumble "You obviously need it."

I wave my hand without turning around and go to find my new dorm.

I finally find the place about 20 minutes later, hauling my bags with me and cursing every single person who doesn't help me under my breath.

Apparently, no one wants to help you out here when it's obvious you're a freshman.
Standing in front of Dorm C I gather some courage.

"You can do this Trey" I mutter to myself.

This guy has got to be better than the other two, although I think anyone would be better than those two jerks.
Now you might think I'm being dramatic, but you have no clue what I've been through. This is the third dorm I've been to today and "Why?", you might ask? Because the other two jerks wouldn't let me room with them. Why, might you ask again? Note the sarcasm.
Because I'm gay. Stupid, Right? I know. It's not a disease dumbasses!

I think I would give it to them though if it was a disease. They deserve it. I don't mean that, but these bags are very heavy and I'm tired of being lost on this stupid campus. Anyway, if this guy kicks me out too then they won't reassign me...again. Technically I could just not tell them, but I've never been one to hide who I am. I'm sure as hell not ashamed that I'm gay. Never have been, never will be.

I put my hand on the knob and open the door where I quickly jolt to a stop.

This place is MESSY. I mean...gross. Who in the heck would choose to live in this pigsty?

I turn my head when I hear a sound and this guy sits up.

Whoa...HOT. I mean...uhm, yea. HOT. He had brown eyes, but they were more amber than brown.
They literally...shined.

And he had dirty blonde hair with only a little bit of the "dirty" in there.

He was...gorgeous. I think he knows it too.
Not that I was bad looking.

I had black hair, which came from my dad- one of the few good things about him- and blue eyes. Not really blue, I thought they were greyer than anything.

"Oh, hey man, sorry for the mess" he says when he looks at the room. His voice is slightly husky, sexy too.

"No biggie, I've seen worse. I guess". I say uncertainly.

He laughs. "I'm not really good at organizing, or any of that shit. You must be Trey, the lady at Rooming called".

"I can tell, and yea. Trey Harrison." I say as I hold out my hand.

"Talon Grant." he replies and shakes my hand. Hmm...Good grip.

"So, you were shoved over here? Why for?" he asks.

"Dude, spit it out." He laughs.

"Well you see...I'm gay. And the other guys hated it, so they made me leave".
He looked mad for a second and I was like Oh shit. Not again. Why can't I ever just be left alone? I mean who cares if I'm...

"That's messed up dude."

Huh? Did he not want to spout some random insults like the others?
Color me surprised, folks. Okay, that was a little too cynical. But I've had a rough day, so give me a break!


"Hey look, I don't care if you're gay and nobody else should either. I have no problem with you living here. It's all good man." he says and smiles. eyes, sexy voice, sexy smile.

Snap out of it Trey!

I smile back finally. "Thanks man. That's seriously a relief."

Hopefully, he didn't see my eyes glaze over with lust for his sexy lips, that would be seriously embarrassing.

He laughs "I'm sure, but honestly. No worries man."

Hmm. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.
I finally find a room, and my roommate is one hot dude. I wonder why he doesn't mind though?
Of course, my body seriously wants it to be because he's gay too. But my mind is more realistic and knows he's probably just not a homophobic jerk like certain people that shall no longer be discussed.

I just want to enjoy the next 4 years, and not have to live the life I have been. I throw down my bags with a big smile. College, here I come.


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