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Chapter 13-

"I can't believe you slept with me...on the first date. What a hussy."

I rolled my eyes "Talon, I'm not a hussy if you're my boyfriend. And it's been 3 days. So, shut up!"

"I still think you're a hussy." He laughed.

"I think you're not getting any if you don't shut your pie hole." And I smiled sweetly.

He glared "Fine. I'll quit teasing you...hussy." And he laughed. We were sitting in the dorm and so I launched myself at him and made us topple over onto his bed. I straddled him.

"You're an asshole Talon."

"Thanks babe."

"I don't know why I like you..." and I rolled my eyes again.

"For my hot body." He smiled.

"Yea. That's about the only good thing I can think of right now..."

He pouted "You're a bully."

I laugh "You're so cute when you pout."

"I'm not cute...I'm a sexy beast."

And I kissed him to shut him up. Soon we were too busy to insult each other.

The last three days had been great. I hadn't seen Ethan in class on Monday and he hadn't tried to talk to me, so I guess he just needed space. Which I understand completely. I was still grateful to him, for making Talon and I talk. For helping us see that we could be together.

Talon and I had barely left the dorm, except to go to classes. Hey, I'm a little bit of a hussy. But I doubt I'd be like this with anyone else.

Neither of us had told our families, but from what Talon had said his family hadn't talked to him in a long time because he had confessed, he liked men as well as women.

I didn't want to tell my family because they would be all weird about it, but I knew they loved me in their own way. I was sorry Talon's family couldn't be more supportive.

I lay down next to Talon about 20 minutes later, panting. He laughed at me and said, "You are so totally a hussy."

"I know...but only with you."

He rolled over to put his arms around me and whispered, "I'm okay with that."


Today was Friday and Talon wanted to go out, so I gave in eventually and we decided just to have a date night as a compromise. We were still happy with spending all our time together. After a week together it was still great.

He wanted to go for Ice Cream after a movie and then walk along the strip, since I still hadn't done that. Even though I moved here almost 3 months ago.

We had both taken showers and were now getting ready in our dorm. My bed was pretty much covered in my clothes since I had been sleeping in Talon's every night.

He put on a plaid shirt and black jeans with red vans. I almost matched him just to irritate him but decided against it when he glared at me. I laughed and grabbed a white V-neck and denim skinny jeans instead. I wore my purple vans because purple is an awesome color.

We grabbed our wallets and headed out to his car. I didn't mind letting him drive because I got to stare at him a little, which makes me almost a stalker. But I'm dating him so it's totally legit. Mostly.

"It creeps me out when you stare at me Trey."

"It doesn't creep me out." I reply but turn to look at the windshield. I look over again and laugh at the look on his face.

"Of course, it doesn't creep you out, you're not the one getting stared at you asshole." He mumbled.

I couldn't stop laughing at that, but I finally stopped when we got out of the car to go into the theatre.

We decided on Hunger Games because it had good reviews, and neither of us could stand chick flicks. Gay or not.

We went to stand in line and the girl in front of us noticed Talon and smiled. He smiled back to be polite, but she took this as permission to start flirting. I looked on slightly jealous, but mostly amused. After a minute of her getting nowhere he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, I was surprised but smiled slightly at him.

She noticed and blushed a little but said "What a shame. But you guys are cute together." And turned around to her friends who were too busy laughing at her.

He raised his eyebrow at me, and I shrugged. Some people were weird.

We looked at each other again when she left and chuckled before stepping up to buy our popcorn. We got our munchies and made our way to the theatre.

Two and a half hours later we walked out; glad we had picked that movie. It had gory parts, emotional parts and the concept was a weird one, but they made it work really well. We talked about it all the way to the Ice Cream Parlor, it was that good.

We got our ice cream and started walking down the strip a little way. He had gotten a double scoop of raspberry sherbet because he said he could never resist the stuff. I laughed and said it was cute while ordering my rocky road. I was addicted to this stuff. Best ice cream ever invented.

"So, have you heard from Ethan at all?"

I shrugged a little "No, not yet. But I'm sure he needs time. I still can't believe he did that though."

"Me either. But I'm happy he did."

I smiled "Yea, me too." And I grabbed his hand. Neither of us was ashamed to be who we are so insults or not, I was holding his hand in public. If they were too close minded that was their problem. Not mine.

We finished our ice cream and went back to the car to go home. Because it was my home, I thought, if Talon was there. God, I'm corny sometimes.

We got back to the dorm and realized it was after one in the morning. We stripped into our boxers and fell into bed. Talon molded himself to my back and wrapped his arms around me while we both drifted off to La La Land.

I didn't think I'd ever get tired of falling asleep like this.


We woke up Saturday and had to admit we were behind on homework. We spent the day working on different assignments...and making out here and there. I'm not going to lie. Well! That guy is hot. If only you could see him. At about 2 in the afternoon I made a line across the room and forbade him to cross it.

He pouted but I gave him a look.

"I'm never going to finish homework if you keep attacking me!"

He glared "Attacking?! You want it as much as I do..."

"Not the point Talon. Stay over there!"

He started to reply but we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I gave him a confused look, but he returned it with one of his own.

Who the heck was here?

I put my book down and opened the door and my eyes widened.

"Whats up Bro?"

...What the fuck?

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