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Chapter 7-

I don't know how long we stood there but all I knew was that Talon was an amazing kisser. His lips really were as amazing as I had though all those weeks ago. The feel of his lips on mine felt natural, felt right. Not exactly like when Ethan kisses me. With that thought I tore away from Talon, horrified. I can't believe I just thought that. I can't believe I just did that.

I stood there panting with wide eyes while Talon stood opposite me with a satisfied yet troubled look. He spoke first. I had enough trouble breathing, without trying to add talking to it.

"Is it horrible that I want to do that again?"

I folded my arms and started trembling "N-Yes. Yes. I'm with...Ethan. I'm supposed to like Ethan. Oh god. I just cheated on him." I covered my eyes and swore I felt tears starting. This was wrong on so many levels, but right too. That's the part that killed me. It felt right to kiss Talon.

He looked sorry "I know. I just didn't expect to want you so much. To like it so much."

"STOP! We can't...We can't do this. It's not fair to Ethan. It's not fair to anyone. We shouldn't talk about this ever again."

"But you felt it. I know you did. We can't just ignore that." He protested getting worked up.

I stood up straight "We can, and we will." And I walked out, not knowing where I was headed.

Probably to hell.


Talon's Point of View

Oh god. I had kissed Trey. All I wanted to do was do it again. And again. When we kissed it felt like it was supposed to happen, like it was meant to happen. When he brought up Ethan I felt angry...but guilty.

Guilty only because I knew Trey cared about him. I had helped Trey cheat on his boyfriend. And it felt so good. I've never wanted a guy like that before. I had felt so much...lust. For a guy.

Yes, I was bisexual, but I didn't hook up with guys often. But I didn't feel guilty for long.

"We can, and we will." And he just walked out after slamming the door. How could he just walk out?

I knew he had felt it. Felt all the feelings that had rushed out between us when we had kissed. Hell, I'm sure the whole dorm could have felt it. It was that intense. And now he just wanted to ignore it? What bullshit was that? I mean, sure, he had Ethan to worry about. But it wasn't right to just ignore it like that. I threw myself down on my bed and clenched my hair with my fists before letting go with a frustrated sigh.

I didn't understand it. He was being stupid. If he wanted to ignore his feelings, fine! I don't need him, I thought angrily. But I knew I was lying.

I needed him...and wanted him.


Trey's Point of View

I wandered around and ended up at my car. I got in and just sat there. I was quite sure I shouldn't drive yet. I was in a daze. A guilty, angry daze. I can't believe I had done that. To Ethan. Ethan had done nothing; he had been the best boyfriend out there. And this is how I treated him? It was that much worse because I had liked kissing Talon, I wanted it again. What kind of a person did that make me?

I pounded on my steering wheel. Stop Trey! Just stop. Ethan doesn't deserve this. Part of me wished Ethan had been a horrible boyfriend, so I wouldn't feel as bad. But I couldn't be that much of a coward. Right?

I put my key in the ignition and just started to drive without thinking about where I was going. I looked up with surprise when I ended up at the movies where Ethan worked. I walked in and when he saw me, he gave me a huge smile. God, why did he have to smile? Frick.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't admit what I had done and ruin our relationship like this. Subconsciously I knew I would have to eventually...but not now. I couldn't face it now. Even if he did deserve to know.

He walked over and tried to kiss me but at the last second, I turned slightly and it ended up on the corner of my mouth. I had just kissed Talon, I felt bad enough.

He looked confused "Hey babe, are you okay? What are you doing here?"

"Sorry, I'm fine. Just one of those days ya know?"

"Okay, I'm sorry. How'd you end up here?"

"I don't really know, I guess I just wanted to see you" and I gave him a small smile.

He grinned "Okay well I'm off in 20 minutes if you want to go somewhere. Perfect timing."

"Okay ill just wait in my car. Meet me out there?

"Sure babe." and he walked away.

I walked out to my car to wait and 20 minutes later he came outside and got into my car. He leaned over and this time I kissed him full on the mouth and hated myself for comparing it to Talon's kiss.

He leaned back and smiled "Where to?"

I thought for a second. "Can we just go to your place?"

He shrugged "Yea, sure. Let's go." He lived on his own so we wouldn't be bugging anyone. And the last thing I needed was to go back to my dorm and see Talon. I needed to forget about that, like now.

We pulled up to Ethan's apartment 10 minutes later and walked up the stairs. He unlocked the door and we walked in. "I'm going to go change. Make yourself comfortable babe." and he walked to what I assume was his room. I hadn't been in there yet. Wait.

Maybe that was it. Maybe I just needed to go to the next step with Ethan, and ill realize the thing with Talon was a fluke. A temporary insanity, as you could call it.

While I was waiting, I looked around. Ethan had good taste, and even though it was a one bedroom he made it look so...homey. Comfortable and inviting. It had light brown carpet in the Living Room which led to the same color hardwood in the kitchen. His couch was a tan color and big enough for 4 people to sit. He had a small dining are that contained a dark table with three chairs. I guess he went out more than he had people over. Not that I had noticed him introducing a ton of friends. Which surprised me, he had been so outgoing with me I remembered with a smile. He walked out a few minutes later with a smile and I couldn't help but appreciate how he looked. Regular dark jeans and a green V-Neck was so simple but amazing on his body.

He stopped in front of me and put his arms around my waist. "Want to watch a movie? Order pizza?"

"Sure, sounds great." And I pecked him on the lips.

Which turned into more than a peck when I put my hand behind his neck and pulled back to look into his eyes. I leaned forward again and sealed our lips together. Soon his tongue was sweeping my lower lip and I opened to let him in. He pulled me tighter against his body and I felt myself reacting. He slowly took two steps back while never breaking our kiss and laid himself down, which guaranteed my body on top of his. He rolled his hips and I moaned when we made contact. Our kiss became rougher, more passionate and I leaned back when he swept my shirt off.

"God, you're amazing." He sighed and sealed our lips again.

It was when he put his hand on my zipper that I paused. I stopped the kiss while panting and put my forehead against his. This wasn't right. I knew that and hated myself for recognizing it. Why couldn't this be easier? I shouldn't sleep with him because I was trying to erase someone else from my head. This wasn't fair to Ethan. Hell, it wasn't fair to me. We should sleep together for the right reasons, and so I knew I had to stop. Hoping he couldn't get angry or call me a tease.

I sighed and leaned back until I was on my knees. "Ethan, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a tease but I-."

He sat up halfway and touched my cheek with a small smile "You're not a tease babe. You're just not ready. I get it, okay? No worries."

God, I didn't deserve him. I kissed him and said as much. 'Thanks E. I'm still sorry though."

"Don't be. Ill order that pizza and you pick a movie." And he walked off with another kiss.

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