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Chapter 2-

It was the first day of my classes and I was nervous. All night I had like a million questions jumbling around in my head. Who would care if I was gay? Would I be hated? What would my classes be like?
Would I meet someone?
I know this isn't high school but moving to a new city brought a lot of uncertainty and possibility. I hear that anyway. Let me tell you, I was kind of more focused on whether I would meet someone. Everyone wants love, right? I had been so caged in back home.

I chuckled to myself. Of course, we want it. I'm probably not like other guys in that regard, but I just wanted to be happy for once. I wanted to know what it was like to drown myself in somebody who loved you for who you were. I mean...Would I meet someone this semester even? Have dates, a boyfriend, friends with benefits?

Not having the freedom to date at home left a lot of those feelings pushed deep down and bottled up, I came to college to let them out. To explore this kind of life.

I came here to get away from home, have freedom. Just like any other kid who had just graduated high school who had parents that couldn't truly accept their gay son. I moved to Las Vegas from Michigan to attend UNLV and I have yet to regret it, except maybe for a minute or two there last week on my first day here at campus.

My parents were...mostly supportive and they loved me but they were Suffocating with a Capital S. It was aggravating.

I decided to leave it all and make a life for myself. Starting with, a lot of fun. I needed this year...I deserved it.

The last week with Talon as my roommate had been great. Oh and I had found out why he didn't mind that I was gay. He was Bisexual! Except that he didn't really date guys, he preferred to date and sleep with girls. Not that he doesn't mind "A one night stand every once in a while with a dude", as he says.

I started cracking up when he said that, and he gave me a weird look but honestly it was hilarious. You had to be there. All in all he was a funny guy, and I was lucky they shoved me way over to Dorm C.

Who wants to deal with a homophobic jerk every day after class? Not me.
Thank you very much. Speaking of class, I looked at my phone and saw that my Business Communications class starts in 45 minutes. I grabbed my book and wandered out. I hadn't found out where it was located yet because I had been finding my books, unpacking, and other crap like that. Besides, it couldn't take that long, right?

I spent the next 40 minutes looking and walked in just in time. Guess it was harder than I thought, but at least I wasn't late. As I walked in I was a little awed by how big the class was. Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Michigan anymore I said to myself.

The guy behind me chuckled before walking around me and finding a seat next to the podium I assumed was for the professor. I loved that movie. Wizard of Oz is classic people. That guy had taste too clearly.

I found a seat in the back and waited for the Professor to show up. There were a lot of people in this class. At least 50, which is a lot when you're used to 20 people per class. About 5 minutes later the Professor walked in and started writing on the board right away.

He turns around as he finishes and says "Alright terrors..err Men and Women, I am Professor Wright-and yes that means you're always wrong. Just kidding. Anyway, this is Business Communications and if you don't like it, leave now or forever hold your peace".

We all started laughing. I didn't think this class would be so bad. A good start if you ask me, he was nothing like Mrs.Gobbs back home. Yes, that was her real name! She was an old lady, horrible old lady. I shivered to myself.

"We'll be learning how to face our fears of Public Speaking and how to hold yourself in a business setting, and it's about time. We're all adults right?" He says. We chuckled. He continued talking about the class and explained what we would have to do. Not that I was that excited about the public speaking part. Stage fright, dude. Eeek. But a manly Eeek. About halfway through the class I felt a tap on my shoulder. I swung around and saw that it was some guy. Kind of a cute guy, I will admit.

He had dark hair with light green eyes. He looked about my height and had a dimple as he smiled at me. Man, I'm a sucker for dimples. They're just so adorable. He smiled again and said "Hey, I'm Ethan. First year?"

I gave him a half smile "Yea, first year. Trey's the name."
I cringed, seriously ...Trey's the name. I'm an idiot.

He giggled (Yes giggled). "Nice to meet you Trey. We should hang out sometime." And with that giggle and the dimple how the hell could I say no? I didn't want to say no. I couldn't believe this, my first class too!

I gave him a full smile and nod "Yea, sure. Sounds great. I'll give you my number."

We traded numbers and decided to hang out that weekend. I turned around as we were dismissed and waved bye to Ethan. I jogged down the steps and made my way towards my dorm. I could have definitely done worse than this guy. I walked back to the dorm with a smile on my face the entire way.


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