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Chapter 11-

I couldn't believe I was kissing Talon again. His lips. God I had missed those lips. As much as I didn't want to hurt Ethan, sometimes your heart does things you wished it didn't. My heart wanted Talon Grant. My arms were around his neck now as we kissed and his arms were securely around my waist. We pulled back at the same time to breath...we wanted to stay alive a little while longer. We stared into each other's eyes and he spoke first.

"So you were lying that day, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I was. I'm sorry Talon." And I laid my head on his shoulder.

"No, I get it...now. I understand. You still shouldn't have done that. We could have saved a lot of heartbreak."

"Better late than never...I always say." I chuckled weakly.

He paused... "Trey, you never say that..."

"Oh, shut up. Don't ruin the moment."

He laughed and I felt the vibrations ruin through his chest.

It felt good.

I stepped back "We should probably go to the dorm..."

"Yea, I agree. Ethan is a cool dude...but It doesn't feel right here. I want it to feel right."

"I agree...I guess I should actually pack everything up. It shouldn't take long if you want to wait?"

"Sure, no problem. Need help?"

"Nah, I think this is something I should do myself." And I kissed him quickly before turning around to the bedroom.

I walked through the door and paused while looking at the bed...the furniture...the bathroom. It had never felt like...ours. I had tried...but maybe I tried too hard, I thought as I sat on the bed. I was so busy feeling guilty about kissing Talon and then Ethan's accident that I wanted to make it up to him...

Instead I had hurt him even more. Which is the last thing I wanted, but what's done is done, I guess.

I just hope he can forgive me someday. He really was an amazing guy. I still couldn't believe he had called Talon over here. Who else would do that? No one that I knew, that's for fucking sure.

I stood up and slowly grabbed my bags and clothes. I had never even been able to hang my clothes up. They were still mostly in the bags.

No wonder he knew how I really felt, I had made it so obvious without meaning too by shutting him out.

I grabbed my toiletries and shoes and extra things from around the room. When I was finished, I stood up and placed my bags by the bedroom door.

I turned around and took a last look before grabbing his notebook and a pen. I wrote him a note and sat it on his bed.



You never deserved any of this and I regret more than anything that I hurt you so badly...even if it was unintentional. I hope you can forgive me someday because having a friend like you in my life would be more than amazing...You're more than amazing. I need you to know that even though my heart won't allow me to fall in love with you; I will always love you as a person.

Thank you...for being you and for helping me when I least deserved it.

Good Luck, E.

You deserve the best...always and forever.



With that I grabbed my bags and walked outside to meet Talon. We got into our cars and agreed to meet at the dorms. After I parked I grabbed my bags again and walked to the dorm. I walked in and Talon was already there. I sat my bags down and he grabbed my hips while kissing me softly.

"I'm glad you're back." He said.

"Me too." And I felt another tear in my eye but closed them to prevent it from falling. I had cried enough to last a lifetime.

"It's getting pretty late; we should get some sleep Trey."

"Okay, you're right. It's been a long... crazy, night."

"That's for sure." He softly chuckled before grabbing his shirt and taking it off. He threw it on the floor, and I smiled that Talon was still the same old slob.

I grabbed my shirt as he pulled down his zipper and threw it off. Within a few minutes we were down to our boxers and he held his hand out. I looked into his eyes and grabbed it. He tugged me to his bed and pulled me down after he lay down. My back was to his front as he put his arm around my waist and made sure we had absolutely no space between our bodies.

He sighed and asked, "So where do we go from here?"

"I don't know Talon...I don't know...One step at a time I guess."

I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I knew that I owed it to myself to find out. I knew there would be battles...

But my heart and soul were calm right now, which I understood meant that I was right where I belonged.

My eyes drifted shut as his breathing slowed and I let sleep consume me.

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