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Chapter 6-

Well it's been two days and I still don't know what the hell to do. What I did know is that I was pissed at Talon, and I didn't want to break up with Ethan. I didn't want to hurt him either. So, I decided not to talk to him about the Talon thing. It would make things weird, and awkward and mostly I just didn't want to deal with it.

I'm a teensy bit of a coward sometimes.

It was Thursday so I didn't have any classes today, but I was sitting in the library staring off into space. I should be studying or something, but I couldn't focus. Big shocker there. I'm fairly sure I've been sitting here staring at nothing for like 25 minutes.

I shook my head as I noticed a girl sit down across from me. I smiled at her nervously, what did she want? I hope she wasn't going to hit on me. She was pretty, and if I wasn't gay, I'm sure I'd go for her, with her blonde hair and light chocolate brown eyes. But...just no. Also, how shallow am I? Jesus.

"Heyyy..." I said confused.

She giggled "Hey. I'm Sammy. You're cute. Are you single?"

Oh god she was hitting on me! I suck at these situations. I didn't want to just say 'I like penis girly.' I was a little shocked at her candidness but when I started to reply I felt someone next to me...

"No. He has a boyfriend." I looked up as Talon was staring at Sammy. Where did he come from?

She looked crushed and nervous all at once. "O-Oh Ok-kay...S-sorr-rr-y."

She stuttered and ran away. Well that was embarrassing. For both of us I'm sure.

I glared at Talon "You didn't have to scare her. And it's not like you're my boyfriend. I could have told her." Maybe. Eventually.

"Yea...I know. Sorry." And he sat down.

"Oh you're willing to associate with me now?"

"Look Trey-."

"No, you look. You've been avoiding me and I'm just sick-."

"I'm sorry!" he practically yelled and glanced around nervously. It was a library after all. "I'm sorry, okay?"

I was mute for a second before I glared at him suspiciously "Really?"

"Yes Trey, really."

"Okay. I'll accept your apology on one condition...Tell me why."

"Does it really matter? It's nothing."

"Yes, it matters dumbass. And if it were nothing you would not have done it. So, spill, and I crossed my arms with a stubborn look. He deserved the look. Hell, he deserved more than "the look" but I was apparently nicer than him. "I'm waiting Talon."

He gave me a disgusted look "Look Trey, it was no big deal-."


He sighed "Look, I was avoiding you because...because...Ithoughtimighthavefeelingsforyou" he said in a rush.

My arms dropped to the table in shock "I'm sorry. What?! What did you just say?"

"Trey, I do not want to repeat myself. It was embarrassing enough the first time." And he refused to look me in the face.

"But-but you l-like girls. You don't like guys. Ever. That's what you said? Why would you say that and then have feelings for me?!" and my voice got a little louder with each word.

I was shushed by the librarian and I gave her an apologetic look and then turned back to Talon who was grabbing his bag.

I yanked on his wrist and glared "Oh no you don't Talon. We are talking about this! But let's go to the dorm."

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