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Chapter 3-

It was Friday, the day of my sort-of date with Ethan. Was it a date or just a hang out? Oh well. I'll just think of it as a date. I wanted it to be one at least. I was pretty much just excited to see him again, when we had spoken in class these last couple days I felt comfortable with him. I haven't felt that in a while.

I was standing in front of the mirror in my boxers while finishing my hair when Talon walked in. I hadn't really seen him the last couple of days, what with classes and his partying ways. I wasn't really into that yet. I kind of hated the scene that came along with parties, but maybe college would change that. I wasn't too sure though. But hey, I could have fun other ways too. No, not that you perverts!

He walked in and stopped "Hey man..."

I laughed. "Sorry, I'm getting ready for a date...sort of." I looked over and he had a funny look on his face I didn't recognize.

"You okay Talon?" I asked with concern.

"What? Yea, no I'm're kind of hot. I didn't really realize." He laughed and I glared playfully.

"Nice one Talon. Thanks. That's good. Just make me feel like you thought I was ugly or something." I then chuckled and turned back to the mirror and looked at the clock. I still had 30 minutes or so to get ready before I had to leave to meet Ethan.

He walked over to his bed and lay down. I had to admit that I had a small crush on him, but I was trying to make it go away. Hence the excitement for my date with Ethan. I didn't want it to be awkward with Talon and besides he wouldn't want to date me. Said guys are just too much trouble to date. I would think we were easier, but apparently not.

"Who's the guy?" he asked.

I turned to my closet to look for clothes while I answered. "Oh, just a guy from my Monday afternoon class. His names Ethan. He's hot and kind of sweet. Thought I'd give it a shot. Never know what could happen."

He nodded "Yea, that's true. Is this the first date you've had?"

"Well, yea I guess. I was never able to really date at home. My parents are weird about me being gay."

"That's cool. Well good luck." And he opened a book to study, upside down. Well that was a weird way to study. I shrugged and replied.

"Thanks man."

I looked through my clothes and finally decided on black skinny jeans and a blue plaid button up. I then rummaged around and found my blue vans. I always had too match. It was probably a mental thing. I finished getting dressed and took a final look in the mirror. I look good if I do say so myself. And I do.

I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and said goodbye to Talon before walking out to my car. I was excited for this date. I had a good feeling. We had decided on a restaurant close to campus and so I got into my car and drove the 4 blocks to this place called Charmant Café. Hmm, I wonder what the title meant. I parked and walked in to find that he was already there.

I smiled at him and weaved my way through the tables to meet him. He smiled and gave me a hug.

"I'm glad you could make it."

"Wouldn't miss it. How are you Ethan?"

"I'm great now." And his smile got even bigger. Oh god, the dimple again. It got me every time.

I laughed and spoke before I could stop myself "You know...I love your dimples. Your smile is amazing."

I closed my eyes. Damn. This boy was going to make a fool outta me.

He laughed and leaned in "No worries, Right back at you. I love your smile"

I sighed, relieved and chuckled. "I'm sorry; I just seem to speak without thinking when you're around." I looked into his eyes and it struck me that he could be somebody special. I felt amazing when I looked into his eyes, and I've only known him a week. If I think about it too much it could be nerve wracking. So, I decided not to.

"So, tell me about yourself Trey. How did you end up here of all places?"

"Well I lived in Michigan with my family and when I came out last year my parents had a hard time. They love me but they don't understand why I just prefer men. I decided it was time to get away from home and see what I could do with myself."

"Wow. Sounds a little tough. But I'm glad you made that decision" he laughed. "I came out about 3 years ago and it's just my mom so she's totally accepting. She's weird but I love her to death. She loves to bother me about new boyfriends."

I laughed again "Sounds like a fun time."

"You have no idea."

We smiled and I realized it was just easy to talk to him. Be around him. We talked for an hour and a half about everything. His life. My life. School. Dating. Home. It was great.

He insisted on paying the bill and we walked out. He turned around with a smile. "I had a really great time Trey, thanks for meeting me."

"Anytime Ethan...really. I had a great time too."

Before I could blink his lips were on mine. I was stunned but responded and grabbed his waist. God, his lips were so soft. This boy knew how to kiss.

He pulled back and sighed. "You're amazing." And started walking backwards. "I can't wait to do this again Trey. Goodnight."

I stood there for a second and shook my head to clear it. I laughed "Goodnight Ethan. You're not so bad yourself."

He laughed and got into his car. I waved as he left and got into my own car. When I got back to the dorm I knew I had a little spring in my step. How corny. But true. I couldn't stop smiling. I walked in quietly and started undressing.

"Hey Trey. Good night?"

JESUS. "You scared the shit out of me Talon!"

He started cracking up "Sorry man. So?"

I clutched my chest and tried to start breathing normally again. "It was great. I feel like he's going to become special. He's amazing. You have no idea. And why are you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep. Glad it was good. Goodnight Trey." He turned over to face the wall and pulled the covers up.

I gave him a weird look and shook it off. "Yea, goodnight Talon."

I pulled on sweats and jumped into bed. It was a good night. I'm sure I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

(Talon's Point of View)

I heard Trey come back and turned over to say hi. He started to undress and I stopped to stare. He really was hot, he had a great body.

I didn't notice until earlier and I was almost sorry I had. When he told me he had a date I almost felt...Jealous? Protective? Maybe that was it. I mean, he was my roommate. I couldn't be jealous. That'd would be weird. And I liked girls more anymore.

But you do like guy's genius a voice in my head said. I scowled "Shut up".

..."Talon..." It was trey. Shit, I need to not say that out loud.

"It's nothing Trey. Night."

"Oh okay, night." And I heard him start snoring softly.

I smiled; even his snoring was kind of delicate and cute. What?! Not cute. Not cute at all. I just care because he's my roommate. That is ALL. I need to get laid. Yea, that sounds good. Get laid Talon. That's my mission for this weekend. I rolled over with determination and tried my best to sleep.

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