Entry One~ ♡It All Started With You♡

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❤︎Things To Know❤︎

1. (T/n) = Town Name
2. (Y/n) = Your Name ~ You get to pick his name, but you're meant to look like The Villager because he's technically The Mayor in New Leaf.
3. (F/c) = Favorite Color
4. Sorry if anything bothers you, I wanted this fanfic to be sweet and cute, just like Isabelle!


Isabelle's POV

     I quickly rounded up the villagers.
"C-come on!" I fluttered. "We want to give the new mayor a warm welcome." They agreed and formed a half circle around the entrance of the train station. I sighed of relief, I managed to get them all ready considering my conditions this morning.


I woke up from a heavy slumber, groggy from the stress I let out last night during my quarrel with Mr. Tortimer. I can't believe how childish that lazy turtle is! No matter, it's all past now.
Sitting up, I stretched out my paws and let out a small yawn. There was no morning sunshine trying to seep through my curtains. The sky was a light periwinkle mixed with a hint of orange, beginning to form itself into a cloudy blue.
Being the forgetful little pup I am, I pulled my diary out from the top drawer of my vanity to remember what went on yesterday.

Entry 25:
Out with the Old, in with the New

I can't believe what Mr. Tortimer did today! Does he think this is a game? That he can just up and leave when he gets bored? Not like he did much playing in the first place! He packed up and took a 'forevercation' to some island out in the middle of nowhere! Leaving me, to take care of the dirty work that I've been doing for the past two years! No wonder this job was so easy to get... Now I really don't feel important. He told me that a new mayor would arrive on the train tomorrow around 6:00am. I just hope this one's better than the last.

~ Isabelle

The moment I read the last sentence, my diary was back in the top drawer and I was fumbling around in the bathroom. I can't believe I forgot! Especially something as important as this! Pulling on the spring secretary uniform, I grabbed a town map for the new mayor and rushed out the door.

Flashback End

     I ran all the way to the station, the bells in my hair jingling furiously every time I stepped. When the bright red roof came into view, I could see that most of the villagers had already arrived at the station. Beau, Marshall, Tangy, Apple, and even Stitches had rolled his stuffy self out of bed. Nice going Isabelle... Even the villagers are more organised than you!
     I let them all know that when the new mayor stepped off the train, I would count to three and we'd all welcome him. About 8 minutes later, I heard wheels shriek to a stop, emitting a terrible noise from collision with the metal tracks. Not a moment later, a single puff of smoke could be seen forming into the air, letting the residence know of its arrival. Alright Isabelle, you have to make a good impression! I could faintly hear the sound of footsteps walking across the stone tiles inside of the station.
     When he stepped out into the light, I immediately gave the villagers the signal.
     "Alright everyone! As the residence of (T/n).... Three two one..."

(Y/n)'s POV

I leaned back into the plush blue seats on the train, shifting upward every time the wheels bumped along the tracks. That strange cat named Rover had already moved back to his own seat, after basically prying into all of my personal information. His big red eyes give me the creeps, and he won't stop staring! Glancing at my suitcase, embroidered with stickers and memories, I began to feel better about this whole thing. I decided to move to the cozy town of (T/n) for a change of scenery. The city was always bustling with activity. People (and animals) scurrying across the streets because they were late for work, cars speeding down the road without a single care, and air that could either smell of food, sewage, or smoke. I learned to work hard while living in the city, and now it's time for a break.
"Now arriving in (T/n)!" Porter, the conductor of the train shouted.
"That's your stop right? Have fun (Y/n)!" Rover called as I made my way off the train.
The station in (T/n) is pretty cool! Instead of being secluded underground like subways in the city, I could breath in the fresh spring air. Finally set on my choice, I exited the station to find out how I can settle in. Before I even started to figure what I was going to do first, a group of animals were there to greet me.
"WELCOME!!!" Well, this town sure is... inviting?
"Mayor! Welcome to (T/n)!" A golden-haired shih tzu said to me with a sweet smile.
"Oh! Thank you- wait what? Mayor!?" Her smile began to falter.
"Umm... What're you talking about? They'd say you'd arrive in town today!" She confirmed, glancing at the other residence, then back to me.
"I think you might've made a mistake... I'm not the-" but she didn't let me finish.
"Very funny, but you're not fooling me!" She declared, reverting back to her cheery spirit.
"H-hold on-"
"It's settled, let's go to the Town Hall to get you set up!"
"W-wait a second-!"

Isabelle's POV

I had grabbed the Mayor's pale hand and led him to the Town Hall. I focused on the path and ignored the comments he kept making about the situation. Once we arrived, I wondered what I should do next. I can't just start ordering him around if he doesn't know what he's doing! I took a deep breath and turned to face him. I paused, the new mayor was surprisingly young, perhaps around my age.
His hair reminded me of unsweetened coffee, a dark brown that matched his midnight colored eyes. They were kind of eyes that you could get lost in, making my knees feel weak. Speaking of which, my own pupils scanned the rest of his figure, taking in his very masculine structure.
"Err... Isabelle?" I barely heard him say, I was too distracted.
"What're you... doing..?" His body began to sway nervously, like he was self-conscious. I figured out why.
"Ah! Uhh... Nothing! I was just... spacing out?" I slurred, placing my attention back to his almost perfectly symmetrical face. "So, here's your passport and..." I stopped for a moment. "M-Mayor (Y/n)... do you have a place to live?"

(Y/n)'s POV

I tucked myself into my old (f/c) sleeping bag that I packed. I didn't think I'd be using it in a situation like this, but I'm glad I brought it. The tent wasn't so bad... at least it wasn't colorless. However I could feel the grass from the ground tickle my back, and it wasn't exactly comfortable on the floor either. I still can't believe what happened today... I wanted to get away from stuff like this, but I guess it can't be helped? I tried to tell everyone countless times that it was a mistake, but it's like they ignore reality and create their own.
I wonder why Isabelle stared at me like that in the Town Hall. Maybe she's not used to seeing humans, are we that weird looking? Now that I'm on the topic of my secretary, what does she do to help me as mayor? I'm going to need a lot of guidance...
After several minutes of twisting, turning, and staring at the nylon walls, I let my eyelids droop, burying myself into a deep slumber.

Authors Note

First off, I've been wanting to post this forever. But I feel like it was unnecessary to post it and never update because I was worrying about other stories. In other words, this book had been just sitting there as a draft for months, unposted.
     I kind of ship this hardcore but there weren't many stories about it on Wattpad or anywhere in general, so I decided to make one myself.
I'm also sorry if this made anyone cringe. I try not to do that on stories but 99.9% of the time, it's inevitable. Thank you if you liked the story and I'll update this next week~


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