Entry 21 ~ ♡Passionate Sparks♡

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Only a few more chapters until the end! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AHHHHHH—
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I sat impatiently at my desk in the Town Hall, pretending to work. I was eagerly waiting to see (Y/n). Every time I thought of him there'd be this chilling rush of excitement.
In a few hours, the New Years Countdown will begin. Once the clock strikes twelve, I'll start anew. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I'm done suffering. I should make choices that'll benefit me, right? And what I want isn't going to harm anyone or anything, because I only want one thing.

Or should I say, one person.

Right on cue, the door opened. My eyes flickered to the clock, 9:28, right on time, as usual.
"Good morning, Belle!" I gazed at him with affection as my lips curved into a smile.
"Good morning, (Y/n)." He grinned in response. I adored the happiness in his eyes. He bounded over to his desk and sat down. I turned my chair around, facing him. He'd begun to unpack his briefcase, pulling out folders and neat stacks of paperwork.
"Don't work too hard today, (Y/n). It's New Years Eve, you were supposed to take the day off." He looked up at me, then back to his work.
"You're right, I won't," he replied. "There's just not much to do today, everyone is too busy freaking out about New Years," he continued, balancing a pen on the roof of his pointed nose.
     "Then what's all that for?" I motioned the abundance on his desk.
     "Oh! This is all the work I finished at home in my office while I was out." I frowned at his words. A few days after the Harvest Festival, (Y/n) stopped coming into work. He'd drop in occasionally, spit out some excuse, then be on his way. I looked down, ashamed of my foolish actions.
"Belle?" I perked back up, (Y/n)'s entrancing eyes tinted with concern.
"Sorry it's just.." I wanted to make it up to him without admitting what I'd been doing. For now, that's between Santa and I, as ridiculous as that sounds.
"Do you want to help me set up the Plaza for the countdown? Since you have nothing to do and all.."
"Of course!" (Y/n) agreed happily, getting up to open the door for me.

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(Y/n) helped me carry the countdown clock into the Plaza. It would've gone a lot smoother, but Redd claimed he was too busy setting up his own stand to assist.
"Thank you, (Y/n)," I said before looking to the sky. It was slowly fading into an orange and purple gradient, meaning I had some time to kill before the fireworks start.
"No problem! Anything for you," (Y/n) replied nonchalantly, oblivious to the enormity of emotions he just made me feel. A hot blush soon seared my face, and I quickly turned away.
He and I unpacked the box of tweeters, party poppers, and firework fountains. I removed them by the handful, rushing to get this done.
     "Okay! Do you want to go into Main Street with me? There's something I need to pick up." (Y/n)'s eyes seemed to soften at my request.
"Sure," He said tenderly.

We headed up to the Able Sisters, (Y/n) hopping over the train tracks and bounding up the stone steps while I walked behind him. The bell jingled overhead as we entered, Mable looking up from one of (Y/n)'s custom designs. Immediately, she flashed an instinctive beam.
"Oh! Isabelle and the mayor! Welcome!" She said cheerily. (Y/n) automatically began browsing, looking dully at each piece as if he'd seen them a thousand times before.
"Hey Mable, I'm just here for my order." I said as (Y/n) walked over to Sable, the reserved seamstress who instantly perked up at the sight of him. The two engaged in friendly conversation whilst Mable headed to her counter and removed a package from under it.
"Here you are Isabelle! Say.." Mable glanced over to (Y/n) and Sable, who were still chatting, then back to me.
"There's a little something extra in there. Make sure (Y/n) is around when you open it." She smirked then rushed (Y/n) and I out of the store, wishing us a happy new year.
I stared at the package for a bit, but kept walking as if nothing bothered me. (Y/n) and I went back to the Town Hall. I told him that I left the cases of sparkling cider, but in reality I could've carried them myself. I just wanted him around a little longer.
He closed the door behind us while I walked over to my desk and placed the package down.
"What's that for?" He inquired. "I'd been meaning to ask, but I didn't want to seem rude." I giggled to myself at that, and began to open it. For New Years, I always wear this black tux with a matching skirt. It's not much in my opinion, but I enjoy a little change. Last year, I accidentally tore it from... reasons.. and I didn't get around to having it fixed it until now, so here we are.
I pulled out the formal wear, internally complimenting Sable's mending skills. However, there was something else inside as well. I set mine aside to pull out yet another suit with a bright red tie similar to the ribbon on mine. My eyes widened unintentionally before (Y/n) peered over my shoulder.
"Woah! Those are classy, you'll look great!"
"We'll," I corrected, turning around to hold out the articles to him. He accepted it eagerly, asking me to take a step back. Swiftly, he did a backflip and magically, the tuxedo adorned his body.
"Don't question it," he dismissed, straightening his tie.
(Y/n) really looked professional all the sudden. I'm always going off about hair that resembled unsweetened coffee, or his dark, gorgeous eyes, that seemed reflect any light. I rarely take in the full extent of his appearance. His skin had tanned since the first day we meet, smooth and unblemished. Broad shoulders led down to strong hands, that now brushed the black fabric of the tux, which, might I add, complimented him greatly. Gazing upon him is quite the trip, like a train on silent tracks. You can enjoy the scenery without any disturbances, and it's up to you whether the ride stops. If you even have the desire to pull the brakes that is, which I don't, but I do anyways.
"I'll wait for you in the Plaza, the fireworks are going to start soon," (Y/n) said, waving at me before exiting the Hall. I watched him run by the window, my heart still pounding from my growing attraction. I turned back to my own outfit, a burst of giddiness quickening my pace.

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     "Five, four, three, two, one... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone cheered in unison, clinking their glasses. I gave Redd the signal and soon after, fireworks began lighting up the sky. Residents looked up in awe and amazement.
"Happy new year, Belle!" (Y/n) said, handing me a glass of cider and slinking his arm over my shoulders.
"You too, (Y/n)." He looked away from me and towards the sky, the vibrant wonder of the fireworks reflecting in his irises. Heat slowly rose to my cheeks, but this time I welcomed it. Now, more than ever, I felt free, void of insecurities. I leaned into him, indulging in his warmth and letting my eyes flutter shut. I relished in the moment, knowing it would soon form into a beautiful memory.

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Authors Note

It's actually pretty close to Christmas and New Years now! If I don't get the chance to tell you all later, happy holidays everyone!

I had the most fun writing this chapter, Isabelle is just too cute XD
Anyways, the new year has begun! And I think we all know what Isabelle's resolution is~!

Love you all! Byeeeee :3

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